Jan 30, 2008

The Death Stuff

Tanggal 27 Januari kemarin, seluruh Indonesia dihebohkan ama berita kematian salah seorang mantan presiden, Pak Harto. Sejak Pak Harto diketahui meninggal, semua media massa isinya pada sibuk bahas gimana meninggalnya Pak Harto lah, gimana persiapan-persiapannya lah, apa lah..Nggak cuman koran aja yang sampe berlembar-lembar diisi apa-apanya Pak Harto, tapi semua stasiun TV di Indonesia dari channel nomer 1 sampe 13 pada bahas Pak Harto. Kayaknya tuh sinetron-sinetron yang biasanya ada, mesti ngalah deh ama Pak Harto. hauhauha
Gw sebenernya biasa aja denger kabar Pak Harto meninggal. Gw udah tau kalo suatu saat nanti, nggak lama lagi Pak Harto bakal meninggal. Beliau udah tua, terus di koran-koran tuh bilang kalo Pak Harto mengalami dysfuncional pada beberapa organ tubuhnya. So..berita Pak Harto meninggal, ga buat gw sampe harus melototin tuh TV ama koran dari pagi sampe malem. At least, ada satu orang ternyata yang begitu hebohnya ngikutin perkembangan beritanya Pak Harto pasca meninggal. Yak..itu mama gw.
Mama gw ini, sepanjang yang gw tau, dari pagi sampe sore sejak Pak Harto dikabarin meninggal, nggak berhenti melototin tuh TV. Dari channel satu sampe channel yang paling ujung ditonton semua. Kalo ga lagi bahas berita tentang Pak Hartonya sendiri, bahas tentang Mayangsari lah, bahas upacara pemakamannya lah, ini lah itu lah.
Yang buat gw bingung, adalah tindakan mama gw yang langsung pasang bendera setengah tiang didepan rumah.
Emang sih, di koran bilang kalo pemerintah mewajibkan seluruh kantor pemerintahan buat pasang bendera setengah tiang. Tapi masalahnya,
rumah gw bukan kantor pemerintah.
Kayaknya mama gw emang segitu sayangnya ama Pak Harto, sampe segitunya juga pas denger berita Pak Harto meninggal - langsung pasang bendera setengah tiang. Yang lebih jayus lagi, udah bertahun-tahun kayaknya rumah gw ini nggak pernah ada bendera baru. Jadi dari jaman gw masih kecil sampe sekarang, benderanya tetap sama. Otomatis, warna yang semula berwarna merah dan putih berubah jadi orange dan putih. hauahuahuaha. Untung gw bukan artis ato sebangsanya. Kalo nggak, pas wartawan datang ke rumah gw buat cari berita terus keliatan bendera rumah gw orange dan putih, mungkin gw dikira pengkhianat bangsa. ahak-ahak..
Anyway, gw juga sempet baca berita-berita tentang Pak Harto di koran. Disana dibahas dari zaman pak Harto masih muda, masih berkuasa, sampai dia nggak berdaya gitu di rumah sakit. Gw baca juga dia sepanjang karir militer dan politiknya, dia dapet banyak banget penghargaan dan pangkat. Beliau ini Jenderal bintang lima, Jenderal tertinggi. Tapi sebesar apapun Jenderal itu, suatu saat nanti usia juga yang bakal ngalahin dia. Dia dulu bisa berdiri tegap, sekarang dia cuman bisa angguk-angguk kepala doank dengan selang-selang ga jelas yang masuk dari setiap celah badannya dia.

Honestly, it’s not the death that does make me sad. I believe that the death is not the end of our journey. Everybody, someday, will face the death. If somebody die, I will not sad because of the death itself.
It’s sad to realize that after someone you love die, you will never be able to see that person anymore,
I am afraid of missing them.
It’s sad to realize that I’ve never treated them better during their lifetime.
I am afraid of regret.

On the other side, hari Sabtu lalu gw nonton Rambo IV, film terbarunya Sylvester Stallone (bener ndak ini spell namanya dia??). Dari awal gw masuk tuh biokop sampe keluar, yang ada cuman pembantaian SUPER DUPER sadis yang dilakukan oleh junta militer ke rakyat sipil di desa-desa. huhuhuuu..oh God..kenapa sih ada sekelompok manusia-manusia sarap yang dengan mudahnya ngebunuh orang? Apalagi tuh pimpinan junta militernya ternyata seorang phedophilia (bener juga ndak ini spell-nya?hahauhauha)
Why they just make peace, like other normal people??
Mungkin di otak mereka tuh ada kutu kayak kutu ijo kecil yang biasanya suka ngerebut resep burgernya Spongebob SquarePants di Cartoon Network. Jadi kutu itu yang benernya nggerakin perilaku mereka yang kayak binatang itu. Kalo teori itu bener, kayaknya tuh warga sipil perlu bawa semprotan anti-kutu kemana-mana. Jadi kalo suatu saat mereka ketemu ama junta militer sarap yang dikendalikan oleh kutu cerdas, tinggal semprot aja dikepala. hauhahauhauhauahua
mabok, mabok deh.
All in all, mungkin si junta militer itu melakukan segala tindakan ke-binatangan-nya karena haus kekuasaan. Hah.....kekuasaan.

I better choose a simple life instead of it. Simple, is always damn beautiful. =)

Jan 28, 2008

Everything Happen for His Reason

I loveee to read. Membaca, walaupun buat sebagian orang itu kayak obat tidur, tapi buat gw membaca itu jendela pengetahuan. Gw baca apa aja yang bisa dibaca. Majalah, buku novel, komik, sampe brosur-brosur yang gw kebetulan temuin di meja. hauhauhau
Anyway, dua hari yang lalu gw lagi nganggur dan lagi iseng bongkar-bongkar lemari gw. And I found this great book, according to a lot of people said it so, Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life - What on Earth Am I Here For?
Buku ini adalah buku yang didasari Alkitab- kitab suci umat Kristiani, kalo ada yang tidak tahu. Dalam buku ini, Rick Warren mengajak pembacanya untuk mencari apa tujuan kita manusia ada di dunia ini. Bukan cuman tentang apa goal, cita-cita, harapan hidup kita. Rick Warren mengajak pembacanya buat mengerti apa tujuan Tuhan dalam menciptakan kita, manusia di dunia.
Buku ini benernya adalah hadiah ultah gw dari Edric ma Agre dua tahun lalu. Gw masih inget Edric ngasih buku ini ke gw pas tanggal 14 Februari, waktu gw ma temen-temen gw yang lain mau dinner rame-rame di Tomodachi Café. Gw emang lagi pengen buku ini, apalagi pas itu semua orang lagi heboh ngomongin buku ini. Makanya gw seneng banget pas Edric ma Agre ngasih buku ini yang english textbook pula (Waktu itu masalah kesulitan menerjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia adalah prioritas terakhir. Yang penting dapet dulu.huahauhau)
Udah jadi kebiasaan buat gw kalo baca buku udah nggak pake baca prolog ato kata pengantar penulisnya dulu. Jadi biasanya gw langsung baca bab 1-nya gitu. Begitu juga pas gw mau baca buku ini. Gw langsung aja baca bab 1, begitu bab 1 selesai yah gw lanjutin ke bab 2 dan begitu seterusnya.
Endingnya? Sampe bab ke 14, gw udah nggak nerusin lagi sampe dua hari yang lalu pas gw bongkar-bongkar lemari gw. hauahuhauau .Bayangin aja gw harus baca buku English textbook sebanyak 319 halaman berhari-hari.huhuhu…

Dan berhubung selama liburan ini tingkat kengangguran gw lebih tinggi daripada pas kuliah, jadi dengan senang hati gw malah baca tuh buku dari halaman paling depan sendiri termasuk kata pengantar dari Rick Warren.
And you know what, ternyata disana Rick Warren bilang kalo buku ini sengaja dibagi per bab sebanyak 40 bab, supaya para pembacanya membaca tuh buku secara per bab setiap harinya selama 40 hari. (Bagus sekali, pantes aja gw udah desperate-desperate pas gw baca tuh buku beberapa chapter dalam sehari.huhuhu) Rick Warren said that the Bible is clear that God considers 40 days a spiritually significant time period. Whenever He wanted to prepare someone for his purpose, he took 40 days. Noah yang harus terombang ambing di dalam kapal selama 40 hari, Musa yang diubah selama 40 hari di gunung Sinai, dan lain-lain.
Ok, inilah gw di hari yang ketiga mencoba memulai 40 spiritually days, berharap buku ini bener-bener membawa hasil. Paling nggak, gw berharap at the end, gw bisa bener-bener menemukan apa tujuan gw ada di dunia ini dan semoga itu juga bisa membawa kebaikan bagi orang lain.
Selama dua hari sejak gw mulai baca per bab nih buku, gw sudah mulai menemukan hal-hal yang membuat gw lebih ikhlas, rela, lebih bisa bersyukur untuk setiap peristiwa atau apapun yang udah gw dapet saat ini. Rick Warren bilang di bab pertama kalo kehadiran kita ato gw untuk lebih spesifiknya di dunia bukan karena kebetulan. (I try to write something not too Bible. Don’t worry, it’s not a preach.hehe) Tapi Tuhan di lain sisi, gw diciptakan dengan segala apa yang ada di gw, dengan tujuan…with His Purpose.

“From one man He made every nation….and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.”

Dari dulu, gw percaya kalo semua peristiwa di dunia ini sudah direncanakan, bahkan sebelum gw dilahirkan. Gw percaya kalo apa yang gw alami bukan suatu kebetulan belaka. But I believe that God allow me to have that experience, in order to make something bigger in my life.
Contoh yang paling ga bisa gw lupa adalah pas gw masuk SMA. Waktu itu OSIS SMA gw lagi buka lowongan jadi pengurusnya. Gw sih ga tertarik sama sekali untuk ikut OSIS. Tapi Dewi, temen sekelas gw mohon-mohon ma gw buat ikut ngisi formulir gitu dan gw masih nggak tertarik. Sampai pada akhirnya si Dewi yang ngisiin formulir jadi pengurus OSIS gw. Setelah ikut interview (yang gw juga ga ada persiapan sama sekali) dan tes-tes lainnya, gw masih tenang-tenang aja. Gw waktu itu malah mikir kalo gw ga bakal keterima saking ga niatnya gw ikut tes dan interview. Tapi pas pengumuman pengurus OSIS yang baru diumumin, bukannya Dewi yang udah heboh pengen masuk OSIS yang diterima, tapi malah gw yang diterima. Dewi cuman jadi cadangan dan harus ikut tes,dll lagi. *jadi ngerasa ga enak,hhuhuhu*
Tapi akhirnya si Dewi juga jadi pengurus kok. hehehe...Lebih lucunya lagi, senior gw di OSIS ngaku setelah itu kalo ada kesalahan pas proses seleksi. Gw dikira bernama Dewi, dan Dewi disangka gw. Hebat banget...ckckck
Singkat cerita, kehadiran gw di OSIS ternyata menjadi penolong gw di masa-masa SMA gw selanjutnya. Dari lahir, gw emang paling ga bisa kalo disuruh deal ama 3 mata pelajaran paling gw benci di seluruh dunia, MAFIA alias matematika, fisika, ama kimia. Pokoknya segala sesuatu yang berhubungan ama itung-itungan gitu, gw pasti mampus. Tapi waktu gw kelas 2 SMA, sekolah gw udah masuk penjurusan ke IPA ato IPS gitu. dan of course tanpa harus diperdebatkan lagi, gw masuk IPS.hehehehehe...Masuk di kelas IPS-pun gw masih harus berurusan ama yang namanya Akuntansi. huhuhuhu Artinya gw masih belum selamet lolos dari jerat itung-itungan. Apalagi pas kelas 2 itu, gw jadi senior di OSIS. Jadi otomatis beban dan tanggungjawab gw semakin gede Gw terpaksa (ato dengan senang hati?hahahaa) lebih mengorbankan pelajaran gw ketimbang OSIS. ahak-ahak
Dengan nilai gw yang ancur-ancuran akibat serng gw tinggal ngurusin proposal dan laporan OSIS, secara logika nilai-nilai gw tersebut nggak mungkin mencapai 75, standar kelulusan tiap mata pelajaran di sekolah gw. Dan gw takut banget pas itu, soalnya banyak banget temen-temen gw seluruh kelas 2 yang nggak naik kelas. Gw inget banget suasananya, persis kayak suasana pembantaian massal.huhuhuhu
Gw udah denger tuh kabar pembantaian pas gw di mobil. Davin telpon gw tanya gimana nasib gw sementara dia cerita siapa aja temen sekelas gw yang jadi korban alias nggak naik kelas. Oh God..gw udah keringet dingin banget. Nggak lucu kalo gw nggak naik kelas...It’s like the worst nightmare in my history.huhuhu...no way gw sampe nggak naik kelas. TAPI...hahahahaha...sekali lagi Tuhan itu emang super baik. Keajaiban yang nggak masuk diakal terjadi.
Secara logika, nilai ekonomi gw nggak mungkin sampe ke angka 75. Karena gw jarang ada dikelas, jarang dapet nilai bagus juga. Tapi pas gw ambil tuh rapor bareng mama, nilai ekonomi gw jadi 94. Yes...it’s a 94. Sebuah nilai yang nggak masuk akal, tapi terjadi. Berkat nilai maha tingi itu tadi, gw bisa naik kelas dan sekarang bisa kuliah tepat waktu.ahhahahuahuah
Hikmahnya? Kalo gw ga masuk OSIS, mungkin gw ga bakal jadi mahasiswi semester 6 UK Petra Surabaya.hyahya..So Thanks God...really.

Karena persitiwa itu gw jadi percaya kalo semua peristiwa, baik ato buruk yang terjadi ama gw, itu terjadi karena ada ijin dari Tuhan. Dia yang mengijinkan, Dia yang tidak mengijinkan. Ada kalanya gw bahagia karena suatu hal, tapi ada kalanya gw sedih dan nggak rela kehilangan. Tapi balik lagi, gw percaya kalo semua itu ada waktunya. Semua peristiwa itu terjadi karena ada ijinNya. Dia yang memberi, Dia yang mengambil.
Dari situ gw belajar untuk bersyukur untuk semua yang udah gw terima. Dari situ juga gw belajar untuk merelakan apa yang tidak bisa gw miliki. Ternyata merelakan secara ikhlas adalah kunci untuk berdamai dengan diri sendiri. Memang susah buat merelakan dengan ikhlas. It takes time, it takes pain, and it hurts. Tapi begitu kita sudah bisa melakukannya, segalanya akan berubah jadi lebih baik. Still, I need to thank God for everything I have right now.

I like to quote some words from this book, written by Russell Kelfer:
You are who you are for a reason.
You’re part of an intricate plan.
You are a precious and perfect unique design,
Called God’s special woman and man.

You look like you look for a reason.
Our God made no mistake.
He knit you together within the womb,
You are just what he wanted to make.

The parents you had were the ones he chose,
And no matter how you may feel,
They were custom designed with God’s plan in mind,
And they bear the Master’s seal.

No, that trauma you faced was not easy.
And God wept that it hurt you so;
But it was allowed to shape your heart
So that into his likeness you’d grow.

You are who you are for a reason,
You’ve been formed by the Master’s rod.
You are who you are, beloved,
Because there is a God!!

Oyea…I really want to speak these words out:
If love is hanging in the sky,
And I have a pair of wings,

So now I am ready to fly……. =D

Jan 25, 2008

Classmate oh..classmate

I’m stress out!!! And a little bit panic huhuhuhhuuhu
Masalahnya terletak pada teman-teman sekelas saya yang ga tau emang rada ga nyambung ato emang cuek bebek.
Di blog gw yang lalu, gw pernah cerita kalo gw harus ngumpulin database anak-anak kelas gw pas kelas 3 buat keperluan album kenangan gitu. Skalian juga ngasih tau mereka kalo reuniannya tuh jadi di bulan Juli 2009.
Nggak taunya, pas gw lagi semangat-semangatnya sms ma telepon tuh clasmate gw satu-satu, gw malah dibuat dongkol abis-abisan.
Pertama gw telp si Agre. Dia dengan lancarnya ngejawab pertanyaan gw awalnya. Tapi gw shock denger dia bilang belum tentu bisa dateng gara-gara mungkin dia belum pulang dari Holland. huhuhuhu...I wish you could join the reunion. Dan yang pasti, I’ll miss you badly. :(
Terus gw sms si zenky. Lama banget ga ada balesan, gw pikir HP-nya ketinggalan di kamar ato apa kek. Tapi ternyata ga dibales bales juga. huhuhuu..padahal gw cuman minta reply-an jawaban dia ada di Indo ga pas Juli 2009 plus nama-nya dia itu mau ditulis apa di album kenangan ntar. Zenk, Zenky, ato Stefanus Gandakusuma.(jauh banget bedanya.huahauhua)

Dongkol gw semakin dalem.

Terus ketidaknyambungan tidakberhenti sampe disitu. Gw sms si Johan Ncek, temen se jurusannya Jackson. Gw udah heboh banget sms dia dengan berapi-api memohon jawaban. Gw ngomongnya gini:

Ncek, ini Susan. plz reply berikut ini dengan jwban ya: tempat lahir/home address/email/kalo reuni diadain Juli 2009 km ok ga kira-kira? thx2.”

Untuk ukuran pertanyaan kayak gini, seharusnya si ga ada kesulitan tersendiri buat mencet reply terus ngetik jawabannya, terus send balik ke gw. Tapi...yang ada si Johan lama banget ga bales sms gw. Baru pas jam 1 tengah malem pas gw telepon update berita ke Reagan yang baru pulang dari Singapore, ada sms masuk dari si Johan. mau tau dia bales apaan??


Ya sodara-sodara. It’s a single yes for all the questions.
Hebat banget classmate-classmate gw ini.

Gw juga coba hubungin mereka pake cara lain: Lewat Friendster.
Pas itu gw lagi ada di aMOre- tempat kerja gw dan gw berniat ngasih message satu-satu gitu ke temen-temen kelas gw. Tapi begitu gw buka FS dan mau cari target sasaran pertama, gw jadi bingung sendiri. Masalahnya yang pertama gw ga hafal-hafal banget siapa aja temen sekelas gw pas kelas 3. Lagian, friends gw di FS itu ada 700 lebih, jadi gw mendadak jadi pusing ngebayangin gimana ribetnya harus nyari profile mereka satu-satu diantara 700 orang itu tadi.huhuhuhuuhu
Jadi kesimpulannya? Yah gw batal tanya lewat Friendster.huahauhauhua
Bisa-bisa gw ga pulang sampe tengah malem di aMOre.
Ngomong-ngomong soal aMOre, (numpang promosi huahuahuaha: aMOre Manyar Kertoarjo 75 Surabaya kini hadir dengan menu baru yang lebih beragam. Ada menu buat veggie, menu sehat tanpa msg dan garam, gelato flavours-nya juga lebih beragam. Strawberry Cheesecake-White Chocolate Praline.dll.) gw juga ngerasain gimana susahnya orang kerja. Meskipun gw cuman sebagai part timer disana, cuman gw bener-bener ngerasain gimana kerasnya dunia kerja.
Dunia kerja lain banget ama dunia gw sekarang yang masih di university. Di uni, kita bisa have fun, sedikit ga niat belajar,masih tergantung ama orang tua, dan masih belum memikul tanggung jawab gitu.
Tapi kalo di dunia kerja, semua itu udah ga berlaku. Gw pernah sampe stres berat gara-gara beratnya tekanan di dunia kerja. Gw punya tanggung jawab, dan yang lebih penting, gw harus bisa deal sama orang lain. Di tempat kerja, gw ketemu ama berbagai macam tipikal orang yang aneh-aneh. Itu aja baru seukuran cafe kayak aMOre. Bayangin aja kalo gw kerja di perusahaan gede gitu. Mungkin gw bakal stres tingkat kubik. ahauauhau
Gw harus siap dikritik, ditegur, digosipin, disirikin, dll. Dan selama 6 bulan lebih itu gw rise and fall gitu disana. First cut is the deepest. Begitu juga pas gw pertama kali ditegur ato sadar lagi disirikin. huhhuhuhuhu..sedihnya amit-amit. udah gitu paling gw cumin bisa sewot ma temen-temengw. So makasih terutama buat Jack atas dukungannya.hueeuheuhu
Anyway, I need to survive. Gw baru sadar gimana dunia ini yang sebenarnya. Nggak seindah dan semulus dunia gw dari anak kecil sampe umur 20 gini yang masih dilindungi orang tua. Someday soon I have to leave my nest and be ready for anything in front of me.
It’s not a choice. I have to.
And when the time is come, I will make sure myself I am ready.

Susan…fighting!!!! (^.’)o

Jan 23, 2008

Little Trip to the Past

Hai all! It feel nice to find some time finally to write an entry again.
Baru 3 hari ga nulis udah serasa kayak sebulan aja. huehue... Beberapa hari ini, gw disibukkan ama urusan-urusan reuni angkatan gw yang kapan hari gw bilang. Belum lagi urusan ketemu orang ditempat kerja gw, ngurusin event buat Valentine, and the bla.
Senin pagi lalu, gw ama yang lainnya sempet berkunjung ke SMA gw dulu di Manyar. And the first feeling I felt was excited! SMA memang masa-masa yang paling asik dan nggak bakal terlupakan. And it’s always feel soooo good inside to come back for a while to this memorable place. Semuanya udah berubah sekarang dibanding dulu pas gw masih sekolah disana. Lantainya udah diganti jadi keramik putih, kamar mandi udah nggak ancur kayak dulu, kantinnya udah (super) gede dan keliatan lebih lega ngeliatnya. Dan yang paling penting ruang OSIS-nya bo…..tambah keren. huhuhu *ngerasa nggak adil*
Sekarang tuh di ruang OSIS, udah ada KULKAS. Yak...kulkas alias refrigerator. Kalo dulu, paling banter cuman ada dispenser yang air-nya belum tentu higienis. Jadi kalo mau minum air dari satu paling ga ada satu ato dua kondisi yang harus terpenuhi. Yang pertama, gw harus bener-bener dalam keadaan hampir dehidrasi. Dan yang kedua, gw harus punya gelas sendiri. Diluar kondisi itu? Mending cari air mineral botolan di kantin. hauahuahua
Seperti yang udah gw bilang tadi, di ruang OSIS di Manyar sekarang ada kulkas-nya. Yang gw bingung, kenapa mesti kulkas? Kok ga sekalian aja microwave gitu, biar kalo anak OSIS-nya lagi sibuk terus ga sempet makan, bisa langsung naruh mie instan disana, terus 3 menit udah jadi tinggal makan. hauhauhau

Selain kulkas, gw juga nemuin barang paling antik yang seharusnya ga gw temuin di sebuah ruangan Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah.
Yes...sebuah penggorengan kentang! Udah gitu, nih penggorengan kentang mirip rice cooker mini. Jadi paling banter kentang yang masuk disana cuman bisa satu size kentang-nya McD yang reguler gitu. huahauhauha...Jangan-jangan habis ini anak-anak OSIS disana bakal bawa kompor, beras, minyak, sayur, daging mentah, wajan, dll buat sekalian masak kalo pas rapat sampe sore. hahaha
Anyway, selain itu gw juga terkagum-kagum ama komputer-nya ruang OSIS. Komputernya udah ganti dan seharusnya udah lebih diupgrade. Perubahan ini membuat gw pengen nangis aja.
Dulu, pas gw jadi sekretaris, komputer ruang OSIS tuh masih Pentium 2. Mau ngeprint ga bisa, mau ngetik suka rewel, mau nyimpen data eh.. disket OSIS nggak bisa buat nyimpen data.Jadi semua hal termasuk kalo pas mau ngetik proposal, dll gw mesti ke ruang Mandiri kalo nggak lab komputer situ,nebeng punya pak DJ.
huhuhuhuhuhu...Sekretaris macem apa coba yang punya equipment semiskin ini.*fiuh*

Sekarang di ruang OSIS juga ada sofa-nya. Dulu pas anak-anak OSIS zaman gw lagi ada program sampe sore, paling banter bisa tidur di meja. Gw masih inget dulu pas zaman-nya MOS, si Andy sampe tidur di lantai ditemani guling dan bantal kapuk yang ga tau darimana asalnya. Gw sempet foto dia sih dengan pose tidur gitu, cuman kalo gw upload disini,kayaknya dia bakal ngelepas Ryuki- anjingnya terus nyuruh si Ryuki dengan senang hati buat ngegigit gw. auahuahauhauhauhau.
But honestly, gw ga terlalu peduli sih ama semua fasilitas yang sekarang jadi tambah keren di ruang OSIS. Buat gw, yang paling penting adalah kebersamaan yang dulu pernah gw rasain bareng teman-teman seperjuangan gw. Andy, Reagan, Andrew Halim, Dewi, Joel, Lydia, Timmy (di blogku pun km kalah hawa.hauhauhau), Arini, Indra, Adit, Thomas Mono...apa Mani? gw lupa.hahahhaha, Silvana, Nancyta, Willeon, dan lainnya. Belum lagi tambahan siswa gila dari Mandiri, Maprada Station, dan PS, Edric, Allan, Fendy, Lusi Emak, dll.
Two years with you guys, through all the hard times, the sad times, the happy times, the anger....is more than enough for me. I don’t even care if we don’t have all the facilities above. Seriously.
I really want to come back for a while to that moment. Huhuhuhu…It was really a nice time we had together. And I definitely won’t forget that.
Selain ke ruang OSIS, gw juga ketemu ama guru-guru SMA gw yang gw sayang.(ahak-ahak)
Bu Marbun, Bu Lisa, P.Tom-tom, Ma’am Vero, Bu Oemi, Bu Ester, Bu Titien, Bu Sasha, Pak Paulus, dll. Sayang gw ga sempet ketemu si Bos, Pak Bambang, Pak Kus, ama ma’am bahasa inggris yang bau-parfum-yang-dia-pake-udah kecium-dari-jarak-satu-meter-setengah, dll. Walaupun buat sebagian orang mereka itu keliatan nyebelin bin amit-amit, tapi benernya mereka toh juga sayang ama murid-muridnya. (sadar pas udah lulus.hahuahua)

Oya, pas gw kesana kebetulan Pak HTT sih guru Fisika gw pas kelas X (sepuluh) lagi ultah. Sebagai informasi tambahan aja, pas dulu gw diajar Pak HTT Fisika, nilai ulangan gw ga pernah lebih bagus dari 60.hauhauhahau. (keliatan jelas kalo seandainya aja gw ama Albert Einstein ketemu terus ngobrol-ngobrol, bakal sangat tidak nyambung sekali. Dia omongin E=MC2 mungkin gw malah ngomongin soal design interior yang bagus itu gimana. ahak-ahak)
Well, pas itu ada anak kelasnya yang ngasih cake ultah gitu. Gw pikir sih itu mah kue ultah biasa. Paling yang lucu ada di gambar kepala orang yang dibuat mirip Pak HTT gitu.

Tapi ternyata.......gw baru notice kalo di sekeliling cake-nya itu ada tulisan-tulisannya. Dan ternyata itu adalah rumus-rumus fisika yang gw ga ngerti sama sekali. Keren..keren...(walaupun tetep ga ngerti.ehehe)

Overall, it was a nice trip to the past. A lot of memories came out to the surface…Termasuk kenangan pas SMP 3.hehehe….Ada kenangan yang ga pernah gw bisa lupa tiap kali gw liat tandon di SMP seberang sana ama anak-anak SMP yang lagi maen basket.huhuhu…

Jadi pengen kembali ke masa lalu yang lebih lalu lagi.hehe

Jan 20, 2008

Blackout = Dying Alone

Saat ini, gw seharusnya sih harus ngerjain progress High School Reunion Project yang kemarin gw bingungin. Tapi lihat saya saat ini ada di depan komputer, malah ngetik entry buat ngupdate blog! huahauhau...can't stop my fingers.hyahya
Anyway, hari ini tadi pas bangun tidur, gw udah semangat buat ngerjain itu progress didepan komputer biar keliatan rapi gitu daripada nyerahin pake tulisan tangan.
malapetaka datang tanpa diundang. Tiba-tiba terjadi blackout alias mati lampu. Arrrghh...belum juga ngapa-ngapain udah mati lampu duluan. Jadi kesimpulannya saudara-saudara, hampir seharian tadi gw kayak orang mati suri. Mau ngapa2in ga bisa. Cuman bisa tiduran, dengerin mp3 yang baterainya mau tamat juga, sambil coba brainstorm lagi tentang Reunion Project (sampe kayaknya otak beneran kena setrum saking kerasnya berpikir.ahuahauhau).
Tadi sempet kepiiran juga sih mau buat eggtart, tapi jadi batal gara-gara cetakannya ga ada.huahauhua
Baru kali ini gw bener-bener ga ada kerjaan seharian dan gw tersiksa banget. Ini mengingatkan gw untuk tidak mengeluh pas lagi banyak kerjaan. *hmmm...*
Anyway lagi, listriknya finally nyala lagi!!! Yay!!
Dan disinilah saya sekarang, maksud hati ngetik semua hasil brianstorm kemaren, tapi malah nyasar ke blogspot.huahuahua
But I found out something interesting today at my blog. Ada 1 comment yang perlu dimoderate di entry gw yang Somewhere in my BrokenHeart dan pada awal-awal gw baca tuh comment, gw bingung...ini siapa? Soalnya disitu dia pake nama anonim dan di comment-nya ada tulisan 3 tahun...bla..bla..'.
Gw jadi mikir, emang gw pernah ga ngomong sama siapa lagi? Selama 3 tahun pula..
Baru beberapa detik kemudian gw sadar....oh God...ini Andrew, bukan?
so Andrew, if you read this, you better leave a name or something next time.hahaha
But on the other side, thank you for stopping by. I really appreciate it.
You don't have to say sorry for all the things, whatever things. Maybe I need to through it all, the pains, the troubles you said, and so on as a process in my life.
I regret nothing.
Dari 3 tahun itu aku belajar gimana cara merelakan sesuatu.
Don't be sorry :)
I've done something bad to someone either before you, and he forgave me.
The greatest part for me is when he said to me that he forgave in the day I hurted him, not in the day I begged him an apology.
Well, I learned from him to do the same. :)
Ok, I think I need to start working on my progress, daripada gw stuck di blog dan akhirnya lupa ma kerjaan gw yang sebenarnya. Ohhhh...I still want to write something. huhhuhuhu
But I gotta go.
Catch you all later!Muach.

Jan 19, 2008

The Feedbacks: My Pleasure

Whoa...dari kemaren gw udah nerima macem-macem feedback dari 2 entries di WhiteLily blog gw, Bunch of thank you and bunch of thank you part deux. Hehehe....*ketawa tersipu-sipu*
Kemaren, si Ping yang baca testimonial gw buat dia dan reaksi pertamanya dia adalah:


Swt..yang bilang km hobi ngelawak juga siapa sayang..Bukannya gw bilang kalo lu tuh punya bakat ngelawak?? ahak-ahak
Tapi setelah itu dia bilang kalo gw disuruh buat buku. Yah..paling nggak gw udah ada jaminan kalo suatu saat gw bener-bener nerbitin buku (yang masih ga jelas buku apaan), ada satu biji orang yang bersedia jadi pembeli dan pembaca buku gw.ahuahauhua

Setelah itu, giliran gw 'maksa' Andy buat baca (Gosh..I really need to TELL them to read. Actually I prefer them to find out themself about my testimonial and surprise me with the feedback.It's gonna be more fun right?). Dan saya dikagetkan oleh sederet feedback yang panjang yang berisi revisi-revisi pengalaman and whatever. Hahahaha..no offense ndy, I still appreciate it. Much.

Lalu datanglah si Edric yang sudah melihat testimonial dari saya. He said he appreciate the words I said to my friends. Dan yang lebih hebat lagi, dia nyuruh gw nulis buku. (again)
Yah...sekarang ada dua orang yang jadi jaminan bakal beli buku gw kalo gw beneran nerbitin buku. Dia bilang mungkin aje suatu saat gw nerbitin buku yang isinya bisa ngasih arti rasa ice cream dan apa hubungannya ama feeling seseorang.

Ngelantur nih orang.

Aahhh..what a good feelin' that I have rite now. The happiness feeling, the gratitude expression they said as a feedback to me........that's the happiness that I'm looking for.
And I'm glad I finally got it.

Anyway I still want to write about something. But I think I need to keep it until tommorow.
My thought can wait.
Or maybe not?

Dear Vipe and High School Reunion Project

Okay, I dedicate this words to Vipe..only for Vipe, who get angry because I didn't ask her out in the day I went to the mall with Yuni, Lili, Unik, Tansil, and Vonny. And if you want to know what's her reaction to my 'I feel like I am a vampire at noon' entry.Here it is:
how dare u?! u don't invite me!!hoe cruel you are?! I've missed u so much these days.. I hate u!!
She miss me. MISS ME.I am missed by her.ahauhauhauaha..ga penting.

First of all, dude, you miss type the how. see?
hahaha....well, I'm just kidding.
I am very sorry for not asking you out. I can't explain all the details why here but if you ask me personally, I will answer it.
I feel bad, but I promise I'll make it up to you.
By the way, Do you really miss me???? Do you???hahuahuahauha...I miss you too babe.


Just for the update, my eyes are feelin' well right now. Thanks to ACUVUE Clear, I am no longer a vampire at noon.huahauhauhaa

Anyway, today I have an important meeting (huahuahau) at aMOre.

*Allow me to write in Indonesia, ok? Don't have the mood to write in english.ahak-ahak*

So, hari ini gw ada rapat mendadak karena baru kemaren si Andy telp gw buat ngasih tau ada meeting itu (dan salah pula informasinya.hauhauhau) jadi gw ga punya persiapan apa-apa pas meeting itu.

Meeting tadi siang itu tadi menyangkut masalah reuni SMA yang rencananya diadain pas angkatan gw seharusnya lulus. Jadi sekitar tahun 2009/2010 gitu lah. Emang kalo mau disebut ini reuni sih emang kecepetan. Soalnya baru taon 2005 lalu angkatan gw perpisahan dan mulai masuk Uni tapi 4 tahun kemudian udah reuni. Biasanya reuni kan diadain pas kita udah berkeluarga gitu ato bahkan pas udah jadi oma opa.huauahuahua
Kayak reuni yang diadain papinya salah satu temenku. Jadi di album kenangannya (yang masih berupa buku biasa gitu. kalo skr kan udah tingkat tinggi design-nya), foto-fotonya udah foto keluarga - bukan foto2 studio yang kayak di album kenangan pas perpisahan SMA dulu.
Lucu juga yah dipikir-pikir kalo ntar kita udah gede, punya jalan hidup kita masing-masing..punya keluarga, punya anak suami ato istri.....terus reuni.
Mungkin waktu itu tiba kita bakal amaze dengan betapa cepat waktu berlalu. Rasanya baru kemaren kita pake seragam abu-abu, masih dalam masa-masa gila, lalu tiba-tiba kita udah punya hidup masing-masing. Tapi mungkin dengan begitu kta bisa lebih bisa menghargai waktu yang kita punya saat ini. Supaya kita ga lupa untuk nyia-nyia in waktu yang kita punya.
We have to treasure every second that we have. We have to appreciate it. We have to enjoy it and use it well. Because time will never come back twice.
It juts happen once. So LIve it!(according to Vipe)
*Gampang kayaknya buat nulis kata-kata kayak gini. Tapi realita-nya?? kadang gw juga bisa lupa. huahuhauhau..We are human though.*

Well, kayaknya saya baru aja ngelantur. Back to the topic, tadi meeting-nya diisi dengan ribut akan database dan cara ngumpulin data anak-anak satu angkatan. Pusing juga ternyata jadi panitia, nggak ada angin ga ada ujan tiba-tiba harus ribut jadi seseorang yang punya assignment diluar assignment kuliah. Emang dari luar keliatan kayak orang kurang kerjaan sih kita.
But we love it. Dan gw cuma berharap hasilnya nanti sebanding dengan kerja keras panitianya.
Anyway, di panitia reuni super cepat ini, gw kebagian jadi sie acara. And you know what it mean? Yak..semua beban termasuk bagus enggak-nya acaranya nanti ada di pundak seorang Susan. Emang sih gw ga sendirian, ada 2 orang lainnya. Tapi mereka semua susah banget ditemuin. Yang satu tersesat di US sana, yang satu nggak sekampus ma gw. Jadi disinilah saya, sedikit desperate akan keadaan berusaha memikirkan konsep acara reuni kecepetan ini sendirian. But I can't let them down. So I'll never give up tryin'!
Wish me a lot of luck. Wish us a lot of luck.
I have to submit a progress by Monday.
So little time, so much to do. Gosh..
*oya, buat temen-temen yang pernah seangkatan ma gw di SMA Petra 2 Surabaya, yang kebetulan baca blog ini, dan yang belum add FSnya reunion, tolong di add yah...pliiisssssss.hehehe
di www.friendster.com/reunionmanyar (kalo ga salah sih. ntar kalo salah aku ralat deh.)But till then, please add. thanks pals!*

Jan 18, 2008

Bunch of thank you part deux

Okay, first of all I would like to say thank you to all of you. Finally.........
lots of people read my blog!!! ahhaahahahhaahaha...that's a good thing to know. I think nobody read my blog so I feel like I am talking to myself through words or something. But since I made this WhiteLily blog, I received some comments or even just words that they do like my blog. At least they read it, they aware about it, and they do love my blog.hahahaha.. I am proud of myself in some way.
Anyway, I'm not gonna bubblin' around this time. I want to continue testimonials I dedicated to some of my friends. It's good to know that after they read a testimonial about themself *yea..I need to push them a little in order to make them read, but it's worth I guess*, they have a great appreciation to me. They said thank you, they treated me nicely and appreciate me more after that, even they showed those testimonial to everyone they know.
And from those reactions, I know that I did something right. I see happiness in their words they spoke and wrote to me as a feedback, they feel loved, they feel needed, they feel proud because a person which is me, learnt something from them. And since that way, I want continue to make some testimonials for some of my dear friends.
And the rest of you, please have patient. It's not easy to write a real testimonial since I have to wash my brain back to the past. hahahaha
So, please enjoy.
And make yourself proud of who you are, as usual.
Dear Andy,
You are one of my old friends back in elementary school and it is nice to know that we still friends until now. I know that we had hard times before this. we argued, we were in silent and not talked for a while, and the other stuffs...but I am very glad we still friends until now. Maybe it's me who selfish, maybe it's me who has the high ego or whatever..so I just feel teribble to put you into my "not friend" side.
Anyway, I want to say thank you ndy for everything. you helped me through everything in early college time. Thank you for being there for me, helped me, guided me, listened to me, been there for me, and wished me a lot of things on my birthday (remember?) and no one ever wish me like you did on my birthday.
You are the loyal friends I ever know, you value friends a lot, you love them, you help them with all you have. That spirit of friendship is something that I value the most from you.
So be Andy that I value the most until forever! Because i believe that I'm no the only one who want the same thing from you.
I know that the condition is very different than before. We are not that close anymore, we are not that best friend anymore. But still I just want to say bunch of thank you. You've been there for me everytime and in everything. And that's what I appreciate from you the most. I hope this friendship that we have, is something that we are until grow and have our own life. I still want you to be my friends in the time that we grow, we have our own life, so my husband and my children later will get a chance to know you.huahuahau..too much I think. But I wish it is true, that we will be friends forever. And as usual, I will be there if you need me...for always.
Dear Yuni,
The most "ready to be mom" friend for me.hahaha...honestly, that's a compliment from me to you. Look around our friends in college...between me, vipe, nita, lili, tansil, unik(okay, except unik..she is going to get married soon), vonny...you are the most "ready to be mom" one.hahahaha...no offense but I love having you that way, because that's who you are.
You are care to me and the others, and in your eyes..no one left behind.
Thank you yun first of all for everything. Having you as my friend is one of the best gifts God ever gave me. Like I said before you care to me, you help me through everything.
You trust me and you are trusted. You love me and you are loved. You are for me and you are cared by me.
So thank you once again and for million times for being one of my best friends I ever found in this life. I love you with this heart and promise you one simple thing I know I can fulfill it: I will be your friend and do whatever friend need to do.. That include being there everytime you need me in good or bad times. I love you mommy!!huahauhau
Dear Lili,
The only place I can find the source of all gossips.huahauhauahha...You are the queen you know. I can share and get gossips from anywhere and about anyone from you, all at one time.
You are a "deadlinepanic" type of person. You always do all the assignments in the last minutes. Gosh....that's something I can't stand to do. You do sacrifice almost everything for something (see...like you are being a part at HIMA. You left us, your friends behind.huhuhu). And that's what you did lately, rite? I hope we can make up that time in the next semester, and share gossips like we usually did.huauahua
Anyway Li, thank you for being one of my best friends. Once again it's not a coincidence to find a fact that you still have a family relationship with Fenny's guy, but maybe it's suppose to be that way. I love you, I do care for you, and I hope that we will be friends even if later we finally graduate, have our own life and not being together everyday like we usually did.....I wish that we can still be friends, share some time together, and still share gossips.huahauhauhauhau
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Dear Ipan,
I don't have idea how we become this close. I don't have any idea how and when. But all I know is you are such a great friend for me. Really, I still don't have that idea.hahahah...whatever lah.
You are, base on my friends opinion is the handsome friend I have.hauhauhaua..*laugh dude..laugh!* Anyway, I don't care if you have the most ugly person this whole world (naww..I'm kidding. DOn't be.), you still a friend that I treasure very much.
What I like from you the most is you always be there for me even in fact you are far in australia. Everytime I say that I have a problem, you make that call, you listen to my words and thoughts. Ahhh..that's what I miss from you them most.
I don't care if a lot of people hate you (you know who) and see you as an arogant, too straight foward person, or else...I still love you the way you are.
With you, I learn to not put so much thought on something, be someone better(especially in appereance, to be honest), and you open my mind! You always open my mind about something. You can give any advice about anything, and the important thing is you can give me a different point of view about something. That is wht love you.huahuaha
Thank you pan....I wish you are here, not there, so I don't have to talk to you in the phone like a retard(two second late in every conversation is not comfortable). But anyway, having you as my best friend is more than enough. Since you are a straightfoward kind of person, I just need to tell you this words: I love you with all my heart, and I thank God I have you as my best friend in my life.
*It's not done yet!! aku kehabisan objek ini buat dikasih testimonial. ahak ahak..
I'll be back soon. Until then,..C ya!*

I feel like I am a vampire at noon.

Hi all. Feel like long time no see this blog. Long time no write an entry. Well, if you want to know why,

ask my eyes!!

arrghh...I have eyes infection from last week. Actually, don;t blame my eyes. My eyes are innocent. The truth is my softlens are the trouble maker. My eyes become red but just around the circle, you know the black thing in the eyes (biji mata gitu maksudnya). And because I broke my glasses *damn*, that is why I feel like I've been blind for a while. ahak2. I mean I can't see things clearly. So I spend my time just by walking around, sleeping, eating, which is it's BORING. arrgh

p.s: eating and then sleeping = figure it out yourself.

But yesterday, I already had an appointment with my college friends, Yuni, Unik, Lili, Vonny, and Tansil. we went to the mall, ahak-ahak..based on my request of course.
*my eyes became red*
Ahh...It's good to meet them finally. Yes, we rarely meet every holiday. That's because the distance that do separate us.huhu...*feelin' not fair*
And since there are a lot of restaurant and cafe have their 50% discount promo with Bank Mandiri, and since Lili has Bank Mandiri Credit Card,....then LILI IS OUR HERO OF THE DAY!
we chose Izzi Pizza, because none of us try it before and we grabbed 2 regular pizza, fettucinne, pizza dough with garlic butter, and spagetti. haha...
It always sound double delicious if you order 50% discount food.haha

But this is what I love the most at Izzi:

Latte Art...whoa. it's too beautiful to put a spoon there, mix it till it blend, and drink it.

Well, if I allowed to give rating about Izzi Pizza, it's 6.5 with range 10 is the highest.
*ga niat banget kayaknya. 6.5..huahauhau..habis 7 kebagusan 6 kejelekan. gimana donk? mending daripada aku pake 6 1/2. hyahya*
Anyway, it's a nice gathering. we shared gossips (hauahuahaua..who's the victims of the day huh?)
we shared stories and updated some news. Overall, it was great.
*by the way, mata gw jadi tambah merah pas mau pulang. I feel like I am a vampire or something. wew*
And here I am waiting my savior a.k.a brand new softlens is on the way home to my lovely eyes.hyahya
Can't wait to write again! So catch you all later with my new softlens!!

Jan 14, 2008

Somewhere in my BrokenHeart

Gw baru aja ngebaca salah satu blog punya Ise -JembatanHati sebelum gw nulis ini entry. Di salah satu entry-nya dia, (which is Ise, it's hard to read it. The color of the text is too....dark. Please have it checked) ada satu entry yang 'catch my attention'. ini dia:

280607 Kepada Steve, yang baru kusadari keberadaan dan harganya.

Aku tau siapa Steve, dan aku feel amaze aja dia bisa nulis sebuah nama seberani itu. Well, paling nggak aku ga seberani itu. Setelah gw lanjutin baca, mulut gw jadi semakin terbuka lebar. Bukan karena tulisan-tulisannya dia, tapi keberaniannya dia buat nulis itu.
For me, it too open. I know the risk of being open. Everyone can read your stories, everyone can see, everyone can judge, everyone can share.
But then I think for one more time in silence. I realize I need to be honest with myself. Include in this blog. That's the point in writing a blog. You can't tell lies... Well, I am not lying. I just 'selected' my thoughts. yea...

Maybe this is my turn, to be honest with everyone I should be honest with, especially myself.
Am I right Ise?

I am going to (try to) tell you some of my deepest thoughts. Thoughts that maybe some of my best buddies know, and some of you not.

I am glad I finally make friend again with my ex which is also one of my 'gank' member, which is also one of my ex-partner in OSIS. I am really glad about it. Yes, I need almost three years to finally be his friend again. Hah, I know it's a long time one, but if you read my previous blog on Friendster:description about me, it will help you to understand why.
Butuh satu tahun penuh buat gw untuk pulih dari segala 'brokenheartstuff' dan kawan-kawannya.
And it took two year after the one year for me to make peace with myself.
Dan akhirnya ini dia the third round of my history I finally be his friend again.
Mau ga mau, aku harus bisa jadi temen dia. I can't stay in this cold war forever.
Karena teman saya adalah teman dia, teman dia adalah teman saya jadi itu sebabnya mau nggak mau, idup ato mati kita harus bisa jadi temen..act like one. So no other option.
Ada sih other option:
Cari teman lain!
ahauhauahaua..nggak lah, no other place better than to be with them, my buddies.

If anyone ask:
Is my heart still jumpin' out from the box like Ise's?
Haha..my heart is still in it place. Nggak seperti Ise yang ketemu dia secara accidentally, gw mau ngak mau ketemu dia tiap 6 bulan sekali pas dia balik liburan ke Indo. Dan sekali lagi karena temannya dia adalah teman saya, yah..guess what happen. Ketemu, ketemu deh.

Do I still love him?
You can't totally forget someone that has been closed to you, someone you ever gave your heart to *sorry for grammar mistake. I hate grammar*
And so do I. Whether I want it or not, there will be a corner here in my heart for him, a place I keep all the memories and all the love. (Karena itu muncul istilah CLBK, rite)
If I can't love him in the way a lover does, then I'm going to love him as a friend. Told ya, it's not easy being in my situation sometimes.

Then why you still single anyway?
Pertanyaan klasik yang kadang di belokkan oleh Edric menjadi 'tidak laku' *sigh*
The easiest answer of that silly question is I don't find another love yet. Kadang temen-temen gw emang bilang gw rewel. terlalu milih-milih lah..whatever.
But to be honest, I am waiting for the right one.

It's not easy to find someone right, a person you can give all your entire heart and life to him.
To trust your life and your future to him.
To love him, adore him, be with him
for the rest of your life.
And I want to find that person.
Gw tau kadang realita nggak seindah harapan dan impian.
But I still want to trust what I believe in.

Yes sometimes I feel lonely. Sementara semua orang udah punya pacar dan hanya saya yang sendirian, itu jadi problem tersendiri. But I don't mind. Because I believe my time will come someday. I don't know with who or when or where I will fall in love with, but sure time will tell.

Call me picky
Call me StoneHeart
Call me anything
I know what I'm doing.
Still I know it worth something.

Hah! akhirnya, aku bisa juga ngelepas semua ke dalam kata-kata. *relieve*

Well once again thanks Ise.

Jan 12, 2008

Hari Jumat tanggal 11 Januari kemaren, gw ntn Golden Compass bareng temen2. Pas pertama kali film ini keluar, orang-orang bilang ini film sama kayak Narnia gitu. Film2 fantasi dimana binatang bisa bicara, dan hal-hal lain yang aneh aneh.
Kebetulan dulu gw sempet nonton Narnia, dan menurut gw Narnia itu bagus. Dan yang paling gw suka, film Narnia itu kalo nggak salah punya arti dibalik filmnya. Penuh makna gitu maksudnya.. Dari soundtrack film Narnia-pun "Remembering You" by Stephen Curtis Chapman, gw udah tau kalo film ini adalah meaningful film. Soalnya Stephen Curtis Chapman itu adalah penyanyi rohani, dan lagunya dia yang Remembering You itu benernya lagu rohani.

I found you in the most unlikely way
Really, it was you who found me
And I found myself in the gifts that you gave
You gave me so much and I
Wish you could stay

but I
I’ll wait for the day
And I watch as the cold winter melts into spring

And I’ll be remembering you
Oh, and I’ll smell the flowers and hear the birds sing
And I’ll be remembering you
I’ll be remembering you
From the first moment when I heard your name

Something in my heart came alive
You showed me love where no words could explain
a love with the power to
Open the door to a world I was made for

The dark night
The hard fight
The long climb up the hill knowing the cost
The brave death
The last breath
The silence whispering all hope was lost
The thunder
The wonder
The power that brings the dead back to life

Now you know.

Btw, pas dikasih tau kalo Golden Compass adalah film sejenis Narnia, yah dalam bayangan gw nih film bagus. Meskipun otak menjerit-jerit gaa-gara nggak terima ada hewan bisa ngomong dalam dunia manusia (namanya juga film fantasi.wwkwkwk), tapi kayaknya nih film worth to see gitu.


setelah nonton, yang gw inget cuman ini.
Nicole Kidman
Daniel Craig
kata-kata Dust
hewan ga jelas bisa ngomong
anak kecil
golden compass
sama beruang kutub

jalan ceritanya? nggak ngerti.

Ini film nyeritain tentang apa, siapa, konfliknya gimana, dan akhirnya gimana aja nggak jelas.
Apalagi di akhir cerita tuh ending-nya masih nggak jelas gitu. Kayaknya bakal dibuat sekuel.
Masa bodo ma sekuel.

Bukan cuman gw yang nggak ngerti ini film benernya mau nyeritain apa. Si Banjar, malah keluar beskop di menit-menit pertama. Lalu si Regen dan Eo malah ngobrol-ngobrol sendiri disebelah gw yang mengakibatkan konsentrasi gw yang semula udah tinggal 50% jadi 20% doank.
Lalu yang paling hebat, si Andrew yang udah nonton tuh film dan dia nonton lagi gara2 nggak ngerti filmnya.

Well, I guess I'm not the only one.

Jan 10, 2008

Speak to me a word

I am not testing You.
I do not dare.
But speak a word to me
I need signs
Because I may wrong without You

I am not testing You.
I do not dare.
All I need is a reason to stay on this track
To know that this way is true,
This way is right.
Speak to me a word...
Because I am dying to hear You.

Bunch of thank you!

This entries is from my previous blog still in Friendster. The only reason why I put this entry to my WhiteLily because I want the world notice how proud I am to have a friends like them. This entry was about my testimonial of my best friends, to show them how I am thankful to have friends like them in my life. To show how much I do love and care for them. It's not the end yet, since there are so many friends I need to thank you to. But you know, it's not easy actually to write them a testimonial. I need my energies full out try to remember and flash back the memories with on person at
one time. Argh
But I'm not going to complaining! I just want to show them how much I do thank you to have them in my everyday life.
For me, what makes this life is so beautiful is everyone who stays beside me through everything.
And sometimes, this life is spinning around too fast. Sometimes we forget to stop from our routine for a while. We do forget to cherish this life with the person we love. We lost in our track of time, we rushing too fast, then finally we realize that everything is too far to catch up.
The relationship we build after all this time, lose their tightness and we put the sweet memories far-far away in our memory.
I fully realize that there are some points in my life that I do all those kind of things. And before it’s too late, I want to do something to show them, all my beloved one, how much I love you, how much I do care for you, how much I want this relationship we have right now……keep strong and warm for eternity.

I hope that they know how much I love them, how much I appreciate them, and how much I thank God because He let me to meet them at some point of my life. They are my angels, my angels of life. And just like an angel does….. They bring happiness and joy, peace and comfort, laughter and love, companion and protect each other…. something to share in our everyday life.

I dedicate this testimonial to you, and make yourself smile in the time you read this, because it is true, from deep down inside my heart.

Dear Fenny,
Whoa…I never count how many years we’ve been a friend, then become one of my best friend. But I know it happened for a long-long time. 14 years I think? I count it from our kindergarten until our high school time. I even still remember how cute your face is when you were in the elementary school.hahaha…
Well, we are not best friend for an instance, and that’s makes our friendship become strong. And I want you to know that I am proud of you.
These days maybe a little rough for us. We have a little different world of our own right now. You are busy with your own study, your own matters....and so do I. Our friendship lose it tightness and we are not that close anymore. But whatever life could bring to us, to our friendship, I hope you know you are the best I ever found in a friend, and I do care for you, will be there for you anytime you need me, and will be stay with your through whatever. I just want to say thank you, for every little things you did. You are superb!!!

Dear Lucy,
You are far now. We separate into two different continents and it’s hard for us to see each other anytime we want. Thanks God we have the technology so we can keep in touch. Haha… Lucy, I know that time and communication limitation make our friendship is not exactly like we have before. But I want you to know that you are such a wonderful friend. Deep down inside me, you are still my best friend I can easily talk with. Thank you for you support for all this time, thank you for being so helpful, I do thank you.
I wish you a great life either, because you deserve it.
I hope those exams and assignment don’t torture you anymore, because it’s kind of funny to hear you screaming and crawling in the msn.huahahahahahahaha….

Dear Novi,
Aku inget kamu, pasti inget jagung.hahahaha…soal’e km keseringan ngajak aku ma fenny jagungan.huahahaha….Kamu ini kalo udah waktu’e gila…semua jaid gila.hahaha….Well honestly I love to see you that way, daripada km harus murung, diem, sedih gitu.
Bi, I just want to say thank you. You are a wonderful best friend. Aku tau terutama sekarang ini, kita udah sibuk kiri kanan nggak karuan. Kita beda jurusan, dan itu yang buat kita jadi susah pergi bareng kayak dulu.
But deep down my heart, no matter how far we go in the different direction, you still my best friend. I think we should stop for a while from our routine and spend some time for each other. Right?
I love to hear you laughing again….because it’s hard for me to find it now.

Dear Jackson,
There you are...one of my best buddy ever…. How did we became this close? And when? I can’t remember it well. All I want to say is thank you, for everything you gave me. Thank you for the supports, thank you for listening every words I said, thank you for be there for me through my hardest days. Thank you for the faith you have in me, thank you for your trust, thank you, thank you, thank you.
I do thank you.
In my opinion, you are a great man. And you deserve everything great either. I want you to know that I always be there in your back, to watch and help you, forever!
I think that’s what best friends are for, rite?

Dear Reagan,
What can I say… you are the one with amazing transformation I think. Inget waktu pertama kali kamu masuk SMA? Haha….you are totally different from now. You’ve been a great friend, a great partner, then a great best friend for me. Huah…kalo inget kamu pasti jadi inget masa-masa LDKS & OSIS dulu. Dulu kita sibuk kiri kanan ngurusi OSIS, pulang malem-malem makan pak dji deket rumah’e astrella sana, aku ma dewi kadang main ke kos-mu, ke Taman Safari bareng bul-bul gank, ikut LDKS sampe 3 kali berturut2 saking cinta’e sama pepohonan, sampe rutin pergi tiap sabtu ma arek2. And you know what, i miss old times.......Aku berharap ada satu masa dalam hidupku, aku bisa kembali ke masa lalu, ngulangi itu lagi sekali lagi.
So! Thank you gen for everything. Walaupun sekarang km tambah jahat ma aku (huahahaha) tapi nggak papa, km tetep temenku yang baek. Because for me, you are Reagan that I met years ago, and in my eyes, that won’t change even a little.
And I believe, how different you are from before, you still have the old Reagan inside. That’s what I treasure the most from you.

Dear Agre,
You want to know my impression about you? You are unique. From you, I learn not to follow what other people tell me to. I learn that we should measure our own standard without seeing others. We should be honest, say what we have to say…
Maybe you don’t realize that you are unique. But I think you are. And thank you for showing me a different way of act in this life. With you, everything will be so different from the world that I live in. I hope you intend to keep it all, because I proud of you that way.
We can’t see each other so often. We have different space of life, we have different path of life. But for me, you are still my friend I can easily share everything with, you are still my friend who can keep me being my own self, you are still my friend and forever it will be. I don’t know what this life could bring to us. But I just wish that even we live in the different path of life, I still be your friend, and do everything a friend should do for you.
Thank you for everything, gre. You are the inspiration!

Dear Edric,
You are big, you know. You change me a lot, dric.
First, I want to say that I am very proud of you. I wish you know that from the beginning. You have a power to change the way that I used to think.
Aku inget gimana popler-nya kamu pas SMA, semua orang terutama cewek-cewek amazed by you, adore you, love you even more.hahaha…..But strange, I didn’t felt what they felt. Mungkin karena aku udah terlalu lama tahu kamu, jadi apa yang luar biasa jadi biasa buat aku. Well, mungkin aku udah pernah bilang ke kamu dulu, tapi aku pengen kamu tahu lagi. That you are my inspiration. Aneh memang kenapa aku nggak milih Mahatma Gandhi ato Mother theresa barangkali buat jadi inspirasi. Nggak tau kenapa jadinya kamu yang jadi inspirasi. But I tell you one thing, you are!
Waktu aku lagi dalam keadaan stuck, nggak bisa mikir aku harus gimana, aku langsung mikir kalau seandainya edric yang dalam keadaan seperti ini, apa yang dia bakal lakukan…..itu yang aku lakukan!
Hah! tell you, you have the power to change me.
Thank you edric for everything. You done too much for me. I just want you to know that I love you deep down my heart and I adore you but not in the same way like others. Thank you for trust me, thank you for all the helps, thank you for all the supports, and thank you for the good times…
You still my inspiration….until whenever.

Dear Ping,
The funniest person I ever know. Aku nggak tau km itu terbuat dari apa, ping..tapi km punya bakat jadi pelawak! Sepanjang aku pergi dan ada kamu disana, aku nggak isa stop ketawa dari awal berangkat sampe pulang. Huah….tetanggaku punya bakat tersembunyi. I must be proud of you.
Sebentar lagi (kalo jadi juga sih ) kamu ke aussie…aku pasti kangen soro ma lawakanmu. Nggak ada guyonan-guyonan gila mu kalo pergi ma bul-bul gank ato edric agre..
Like I said, you are the funniest person I know. And I am happy to have you as my friend. Lumayan ping, penghiburan dikala duka, kesenangan dikala kesedihan. Hahaha…
You are a nice guy, you know. Tapi seandainya saja kamu bisa lebih tinggi sedikit, mungkin km isa jadi perfect.hahaahaha
So I will note that. I will include your height in my wish list. Haha…
Thank you ping, you are such a great friend. Semoga selamanya, kita bisa tetangga-an. AMEN!
Dear Dewi,
First of all I would like to say thank you. You are my best friend in high school. I know we’ve been through a lot of laughter and anger, sad and happiness especially when we were together as a team in OSIS. I will never forget every obstacle we fought, every tear we cried, and every fun and laughter we shared. You’ve done a lot for me, and I do thank you, you are such a good person.
You were my closest friend in high school, and that’s what I will remember for the rest of my life. Now we moving on, we are at different college, with different friends, different laugh and jokes…different in everything. But I just want you to know this.
That deep down inside my heart, you are still my best friend. And along with that, I still care for you and always ready to be there at the first place for you every time you need me.

Dear Edo,
The most ignorance and the most not visionary type of person I ever know. You act and do whatever you want to do, and throw the risks behind. But I really hope I am wrong, and you already become someone better in everything.
All in all, for me you are such a great friend. I remember your were there through my hardest time, and I was there through your hardest time. I am really grateful to found a friend like you in my life and I love you, I do care for you with all this heart.
For me, you are my best friend, my brother, and my pal and partner (especially when we sing a long songs. huhauauhauhau)
Thank you Do for everything. You don’t know how much I thank you. And I am wishing you all the greatest wishes on earth!

Dear Nyek,
You can be a sweet person you know. But I think sometimes you choose to be mean to me.muahaha
But I know, deep down there, you still have that sweet-sweet heart. Thank you nyek… even though we are not that close anymore comparing with the time in high school, you are still be someone I can count on in anytime. I still remember you were there through my hard times, you listen to every word I said, you were there every time I need a companion, I remember you were there….
You are my best friend. (Once again even though you are turn into your dark side a.k.a “mean to me” time) I am glad I met you, I am glad I knew you, and have you as my best friend.
Still! I know that in some way, you do care for me and I am care for you. Thank you for been there and I hope I can be there too for you, anytime you need me.

Dear Vipe,
You are the most rebellion person I ever know. The most girl rock music lover I ever know. The most DVD addicted person I ever know. The most crazy and principle person at the same time I ever met. But overall, you are the unique person.
With you, I learn not the listen to what other people talk about us. We live in our own life, and we rule that little world of our own. Too many people talking and sometimes it get crowded in our head if we listen to them.
From you I learn to wear something I want, even it look weird for others.
From you I learn to do whatever I want to do, even if other people won’t do it.
I learn to think differently, act differently, and be ourselves.
Be my self.
So thank you Vipe, for teaching me (I know in the time you read this, your mouth probably going to wide open and read with unbelievable kind of starring, but you know, I don’t care) to be myself. Thank you for being so kind for me, and I love you (in the clean and straight way of loving) with alllll my heart.
At some point, I thank God that I met and knew you, to teaching me all the things I never did before. To be someone better and greater, in some way.
And I believe this is not a kind of coincidence that I met and knew you, but may be it’s suppose to be that way.
I love you babe!!

Dear Nita,
My first real friend in college, perhaps? I don’t know but what I know for sure is you are become lazier lately. And in the other hand, your artificial twin, Vipe, become more diligent in some way. You can be ridiculous and serious at the same time. But I think your ridiculous side becomes dominant these days. hhauahahauahua
I can easily trust you, I can easily connect and share everything with you, I feel comfort and enjoying myself every time near you.
That’s what makes us friends, I think.
You are an independent kind of person, the same DVD freak just like Vipe, and the kind of friend I have to thank God because He let me met and know you. Sometimes, I wonder how we met, how we become friend...
But I think only God knows why, so I just keep those questions in my head while I am thankful enough for being one of your friend. To share laughter, craziness, and fun.
And the most important is for being friends for you and with you. Thank you Nita for everything little things you do for me and I will make sure I will be there for you as a friend in tough or rough time, in good and bad time, in any season and weather (well, maybe not all weathers, but believe me I will be there in someway).
That’s what I want you to remember anyway.
As usual, I lap you babe!!!

It's love

This was my previous post in my Friendster blog and this is truly my work of art.hauahauaha

Well, I' tryin' to say is I am not copy this from somewhere but it's originally my work. SUddnely my mood went well at that time and I tried to write something. Then here it is. I used simpel words, something that anyone can understand. (Or maybe I don't know how to write it in expert english???Yea..but who cares?)

So, I hope this entry bring something to your mind and change the way you see love, and start loving someone in a better way.

What is the meaning of love?
What is your meaning of love?
Do you ever think about that?
I really want to know
Because for me,

Love is the beginning of life
It gives us hope and reason to live
To keep walking and stand still when the world is falling apart

Love is about being there, holding someone’s hand when they sad
Just to show that you are there for them

Love is about not being selfish
To let someone you love reach their dreams
Give them wings, encourage them to fly

Love is to feel something special in side human’s heart without a reason
It just there inside you and keep growing
Love is about sacrifice
Always ready to let go something,
Just to make sure there’s a smile in their face
And then you realize that that’s the biggest happiness you looking for

Love is about understanding, even in a silence
It doesn’t need to speak a word,
but it already understand what they need the most
Love is about take and give
You give sincerely, and take what you get gracefully

Love is about appreciation, love is about being supportive
Be the greatest fan of their life.

Do you feel the same way?

Love is not about the beginning of the feeling,
It’s about the process itself
It’s not about how you express the feeling for the first time,
but it’s about how you express the feeling everyday of your life

It’s not about being nice at the very beginning,
It’s about how you treat them well for the rest of your life
It’s not about being everything for them at the very first time,
It’s about being everything they need all the time

Be there as a companion when they are sad,
Be there as a partner when they need a hand,
Be happy when they are happy

Love isn’t about the beauty
It still there in your heart even though
your hair turn into grey and there’s wrinkle in your face every time you smile
You are going to see them beautiful the same in your own way

Love has thousands meaning
Everyone has one of it
No one right, no one wrong
But one thing I am sure about

That love is one thing that keeps this world alive
The reason why smile is still in everyone’s face
The reason why people are walking a thousand miles just to see someone special
The reason why people are doing crazy things that they don’t realize

It’s love.

Jan 9, 2008

there's no day better than this day

There's no day better than this day in January. Haah...hari ini gw pegi ke mall buat ketemu sama temen-temen lama disana dari situ aku jadi ngerasa kalau ga ada temen yang lebih baik daripada temen lama. I feel safe and warm with them, even if we sit in a silence.

Reagan, Andy, Andrew, Willeon, Nancyta, Lydia, Allan, Edric, Wenny, Kosi, and Ame already sat in International Foodcourt. I join them with Ping, Nina, Nyek, and Lili...Nyek's girl. Ahh...what a reunion. The most thing that exciting me is finally I can meet Edric, since I always hard to meet him in person. Ternyata dia udah nggak gendut lagi kayak terakhir gw ketemu dia. See? Gw udah tau kalo dia diet abis nggak makan malem habis ngeliat dia cuman pesen telor setengah mateng dua biji pas makan mie di Tidar. hauahauaha

Sekarang dia udah berotot bo tangannya. Perutnya pun nggak membuncit kayak dulu. hauahaha..Good job..good job...

Anyway, after spinning around say hi to each other, we go eat at Goota. Di Goota, gw semeja (kan mejanya disambung-sambung gitu saking banyaknya orang) ama si Allan, Edric, dan Ping. The funny part is si edric yang emang kayaknya dari lahir punya bakat usil.

Round one
Waktu si Ping lagi akting "pura-pura baru kenal" sama Nina, si edrci ngecroti itu saos Kikkoman yang kayak kecap gitu ke minuman green tea-nya si Ping. Lalu dengan bego dan polosnya si Ping minum tuh Gree Tea kecap.
Alhasil, dengan muka bayi dia cuman bilang kok Macha-nya lain ya?
SI edric dan gw? Ketawa ngakak sampe nangis.ahahaaahahahaha

Round 2
Si Agre tiba-tiba telp dari Bali terus ngbrol gantian ama gw, edric, ama Ping. Pas giliran Agre ngomong, gw ga kedengeran dia bilang apa. Jadi gw keluar Goota buat cari suasana tenang. Pas gw balik, gw minum tuh es teh manis yang gw pesen. Si edric ama Ping gantian ngakak
Swt. Ada yang ga beres neh keliatannya.
Ternyata beneran, minuman gw dicampurin kecap juga! Tapi untungnya nggak ada efeknya ma rasa es teh gw. SOalnya ada gulanya sih.ahauahauahauahauahahaha

Round 3
Pas edric lagi keliling-keliling ke meja ujung satunya, dengan refleks gw masukin kecap ke peppermint tea-nya dia.huahahahahaha
Hasilnya, teh yang awalnya berwarna coklat muda berubah jadi warna kecap. hyahyahya..
PAs dia liat teh-nya, dia cuman bisa meringis terus minta es teh gw.

Nggak tau kenapa juga, kita terutama Regen, Andy, Andrew,Nyek sukaanya stop do pinggir balkon gitu terus ngobrol disana. Jadi kayak tadi di mall, habis keluar dari Goota dan nggak ada kerjaan, kita semua berhenti di pinggir dan melakukan kegiatan mengobrol disana. Yak...bagus sekali teman-teman...kayak di bus stop aje.

Dan inilah hobi edric yang paling saya benci:

Memeluk saya dari belakang, TAPI PADA LEHER!!!
Arrrghh...kerasa mau mati aja.

But I love to see you again Superman!

All in all that was a great reunion. I love spend my time with them on more time, two times, three times, or even forever!! I really don't mind.

happy birthday to yuuuuuuu...
happy birthday to yuuuuuu..
Happy BIRTHDAY...happy BIRTHDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY........................


Perasaan taon lalu ultahmu juga pas tanggal merah juga. Taon ini juga gitu..
Why NYek..Why????

Invicible red string

Okay, this was my entry about the invicible red string. I believe taht the invicible red string was exist. And since it's invicible, so you can't see it with your very own eyes.

All in all I believe that in some way, we are attach by someone which we usually call them soulmate. But distance seems to be the perfect company. So God made the invicible red string, which connect someone with his or her soulmate. The string is flexible so no matter how far you are from your soulmate, the string won't broke.

Someday, if the day come, in the right time and place... those red string is going to meet you with your soulmate.

All you need to do is wait.

Well, I do believe in those imagination. How about you?

Suatu pikiran terlintas dalam pikiran selama perjalanan pulang hari ini.
Menatap langit, sangat terang dan indah.
Seakan tidak ada batas..
Seakan kita bisa berenang disana dan berujung entah dimana.
Diri kita hanyalah bagian kecil dari dunia, dari sekian juta orang yang berada di sekitar kita.
Dan kita berdiri di sebuah bumi yang sama.
Hidup dan berinteraksi, menjalin hubungan lalu pergi...
Beberapa orang berkata, setiap diri kita mempunyai benang merah yang tidak kelihatan di setiap jari kita. terikat kuat, dan berujung pada orang lain yang kita sebut dengan jodoh.
Mereka bilang, sejauh apapun ia pergi, bila memang sudah jodoh, maka ia akan kembali.
Tapi satu hal yang Tuhan tidak ijinkan kita untuk tahu adalah apa benar ia jodoh kita.
Apa benar setelah ia pergi jauh, ia akan kembali?
Apa benar setelah ia pergi jauh, ia akan tetap mengingat yang ada di belakangnya?
Ada seseorang yang pernah mengatakan ini di suatu kesempatan,

All quality items must be tested to ensure promised high standards for the customers. With love, distance is the greatest test.

A love that survives this great test is a love that is quality inspected and guaranteed for life.

Dan kata-kata hanyalah kata-kata.
Pernah membuat jatuh berkali-kali, karena kenyataan tidak sesuai dengan apa yang kuyakini.
Namun berhasil membuat diriku bangkit kembali.
Benang merah yang tidak kelihatan....
Kemana benang merah itu berujung?
Dimana benang merah itu berujung?
Di jari siapa benang merah itu berujung?
Kapan benang merah itu menjadi semakin pendek?

Some said, someday...
someday, dear...It will end somewhere, somebody, sometime, and somehow which will make you astonished...

In loving memories OSIS 2002-2004

This was a beautiful poem written by Yunitan, an awesome girl knew from Senior High School I guess. But I found this poem from her Junior school Magazine. I read it at that one time and I looovee it. It draw exactly what I felt about OSIS.
For your information, I was the member of OSIS -like school student organization and that was the best moment I ever had in high school. I still love and miss the fun, the crazy things we did, the anger, the hard work, aahh...what a pleasant moment.
If I could turn back time, I love to experience it for one more time.

Another year has passed by
A year when we have to say goodbye
We know it’s hard for us
Since we’ve learnt to trust
We’ve been a solid team
Together forever it seemed
But we have to part
Can’t have a change of heart
Another year gone by
We’ve been fighting side by side for years
But it’s now goodbye
The door to the future is hear
We can’t walk back
We have to go on..
If we step back, the future is gone.
We’ve had fights before,
And be hate each other even more
But there were times when we need each other
We’re stronger than ever together.
We all know that is was uneasy,
To live years together then leave it.
But we’ve had a nice time...
And that’s enough to keep it in mind.

Love is a Verb

Now before you start reading it, I just want to say some words as an introlude or something.
This paragraph was taken from Stephen R Covey's The 8th Habits.
At that time, I just visited around to my college library at my spare time and found this book. I did't know what this book is al about. The 8 th habits??? How many habit that we have actually?
Well, I just randomly opened that book at that time. Then I found this beautiful paragraph!
And the next thing I did was copy it. (well, I was too lazy to copied them by hand so I copied them by machine. voila..hauhauahau)
So I put it here now in my WhiteLily and my friendster Blog because I want to share this different meaning of loving someone. Stephen said that Love is verb. You love by listen, emphasize, appreciate, affirm the one you love. Wew..nice thought Stephen..
Enjoy fellas!

"Allow me to illustrate, with a story I share often, how love, like trust, can become a verb. At one seminar where I was speaking a man came up and said, “Stephen, I like what you’re saying. But every situation is so different. Look at my marriage. I’m really worried. My wife and I just do not have the same feelings for each other we used to have. I just do not love her anymore and she does not love me. What can I do?”
“The feeling isn’t there anymore?” I asked.
“That’s right,” he affirmed. “And we have three children we’re really concerned about. What do you suggest?”
“Love her. I replied.
“I told you, the feeling isn’t there anymore.”
“Love her.”
“You don’t understand. The feeling of love just isn’t there.”
“Then love her. If the feeling isn’t there, that’s a good reason to love her.”
“But how do you love when you don’t love?”
“My friend, love is a verb. Love --- the feeling—is a fruit of love the verb. So love her. Sacrifice. Listen to her. Emphasize. Appreciate. Affirm her. Are you willing to do that?”
In great literature of al progressive society, love is a verb. Reactive people make it a feeling. They are driven by feelings.
Love is something you do: the sacrifices you make, the giving of self, like mother bringing a newborn into the world. If you want to study love, study those who sacrifice for others, even for people who offend or do not love in return. If you are a parent, look at the love you have for the children you sacrificed for. Love is a value that is actualized through loving actions. Proactive people subordinate feelings to values. Love, the feeling, can be recaptured.
Where is the very best place to give trust, to communicate people’s worth and potential? Without any question, it is a family. If the family is dysfunctional, where is the next best place? The school. the teacher becomes like a surrogate parent who begins the trusting process again.
Remember the power you hold to give your trust to others. You may open yourself to the risk of being disappointed, and you will need to be wise in the exercise of this power. But when you do, you give a priceless gift and opportunity to others.
The greatest risk of all is the risk of risking less living.."
Hello! Greetings everyone. Welcome to my blog. This my first entry and actually I am going to move some of my previous blogs in Friendster. So catch you all later with the brand new writing because need to move all stuffs from friendster to my WhiteLily.
But if you have time just read my previous entries, I only pick up my best entries. So I am not gonna put it all in here.
Anyway, see ya!!