Aug 31, 2008

There Is A Time For Everything

There is time for everything. There was a time when we born, there was a time when we were be able to walk with our own foot, there was a time when grew up become a teenager and we fell love for the first time, and of course there will a time for each of us to meet someone right, fall in love soo deep, get married, have couple of kids, and finally after a long long way -- we are going to be, hopefully, a grandmother or a grand father of our grandchildrens. How is that sound?
Speaking of married, yesterday I was in Novotel Hotel to help my friend to organize a weeding party. He owned a small Event Organizer and he desperately asked for my help this time, to be a Bride LO ( I don't know what LO stands for, but it is kind of to escort the bride from morning until the end of the party.) And that's what I did yesterday. I have to woke up very early and go to the salon, just sit there in the couch wait for the make up process. Please note, I just sat there and did nothing. Well, ok..Iwas read a novel, thank God. And eat Oreos. hauahuahuaha.
After that I have to follow the bride wherever she go, to her house to do the whatever ceremony, to the hotel and do the other ceremony, and so on and son until the party start.

I was wondered yesterday when the bride and the groom stand in front of all the guests about the wedding itself. I believe that our soulmate is decided by God. He got the power and He got His very own time and He got His very own perfect reason. Like I said before, no matter how far is the distance between a man and a women, even he or she is with someone else, if they are decided by God to be together, they somehow will find a way to meet and to be together at the end. If God decided them to be together and be a soulmate for another, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, you can't. The only questions left for me are when is my time and who is my someone decided by God to be with me in the wedding like the wedding I attended yesterday in my own time?

That's surely a big mystery for each of us, and for me too. There are many silly questions showed up in my mind yesterday like what concept I want for my wedding later? what wedding dress I want to wear later? who is going to be my husband who stand beside me not just at the party but the rest of my life?
Silly, eh? huahuahauhuhauauhuahua. But I just want to be honest, that's exactly what I thought. And I don't mind to say it, because I believe that every girls have their own imagination about their wedding party and their future life.

I don't know anything about my future, but something or two I can promise to myself is whoever is going to be my husband, I will love him with all my heart, and so do his family. His mother, his father, his brother(s), his sister(s), even his dog or whatever.
Like I said before too, I learn to value everyone who close to me, loves them, appreciates them, honors them, cares for them, sacrifices for them.

There is a time for everything. It means there is a time for each of us to meet death. And I don't want to feel regret when death take my beloved people. I want to feel that I already loved them much and more in the time that they still alive, still can feel my love, still can be happy and feel loved, still completely and fully being alive.

So loves everyone who close to you, treasures them, appreciates them, give forgiveness to them, honors them, cares for them, LOVES THEM!! =D

Love is the source of life.
You will die if you don't have love.
And you don't keep love.
You share them.

p.s: The latest K class I attended was a nightmare. And my days are nightmare. I just hope that this nightmare will be over soon. Yeaahh.. (^.')o

Aug 16, 2008

Facebook App.

I got this from facebook application. Well, I think it will be fun to put it here.
Honestly, sayah menganggur.oahoahoahoahoa...enjoy!
All About You

The Basics
Hair Color:
light brown

Eye Color:

undergraduate student, an intern

Relationship Status:

Religious Views:

My Favorites
Favorite Color:

Favorite Movie:

Favorite Hobby:
interior archicture ( I said it's a hobby. It doesn't mean that I am capable of draw some.haha)

Favorite Song/Singer:
jamie scott and the town

Favorite School Subject:

Favorite Vacation Destination:

Favorite Food:
anything good

Favorite Restaurant:

Favorite Animal:

Favorite Store:
the supermarket.hahahaha

Favorite Celebrity :
heath ledger

Favorite Childhood Friend:

Favorite Baby Name:

Favorite Person In Your Life:
F, L, N, R, J, A

Favorite Facebook Application :
semuanya membingungkan

This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla:

Big Mac or Whopper:
what's whooper? I don't eat junk food.

Coke or Pepsi :
I prefer milk tea.

Beer or Wine:

Coffee or Tea:

Apple Juice or O.J.:

Facebook or MySpace:
facebook. Friendster is better.ohoahaooa

Summer or Winter:

Windows or Mac:

Cats or Dogs:

Rain or Shine :

Chips or Popcorn:

Salty or Sweet:
both are fine

Plane or Boat:

Morning or Night:

Movie or Play:

Walk or Drive:

Money or Love:

Breakfast or Dinner:
I need them all

Forgiveness or Revenge:

Paint or Wallpaper:

House or Apartment:

Do You?
Have Any Pets:

Have Any Children:
not yet


I drink water.

oahoahoahoahoa...just streching.

Spend Your Life On Facebook:
nope. facebook is mbingungin.

Play On A Sports Team:

Belong To Any Organizations:
used to

Love Your Job:
not really

Like To Cook:

Play An Instrument:
used to..piano


oww yess

Speak Multiple Languages:

Ice Skate:
used to.hahahaha


I can draw octopuses only


Have You Ever
Stolen Anything:

Been Drunk Before Noon:

Had Sex In A Public Place:

Been Arrested:
I am a good citizen (except the I don't have a driving license part.)

Cheated On A Test:
haohaohaohaohoaoaoaa...oopp coorrrsss

Cheated In A Relationship:
forever never

Failed A Class:

Eaten Food Off The Floor:
I still have a table, thank you.

Wished You Were Someone Else:
I love myself

Cried During A Movie:
I think so..

Had A One Night Stand:
hahaha..I don't dare to take the risk that I will lose him in the next day.

Describe Yourself In One Word:

Biggest Fear:

Your Proudest Accomplishment:
made changes in people's life through my blog

#1 Priority In Your Life:
serving God in all my way

Dream Job:
not office job for sure

Special Talents:

Where Are You Right Now:
at home

Where Would You Rather Be:
right now, jauh-jauh dari surabaya

Famous Person You Want To Meet:
heath ledger

Place To Visit Before You Die:
my big family and my friends' house to meet them

Song Played At Your Funeral:
good charlotte?hahahhaahhaha

Love Will Keep Us Alive

Waktu itu Morrie sudah harus menggunakan kursi roda hampir seharian, dan membiasakan diri didampingi pembantu untuk mengangkat tubuhnya seperti memindahkan sebuah karung berat dari kursi ke pembaringan dan dari pembaringan ke kursi. Ia mulai sering tersedak waktu makan, dan mengunyah menjadi pekerjaan berat baginya. Kakunya lumpuh total, ia takkan pernah berjalan lagi.

Namun ia pantang menyerah. Bahkan sebaliknya, gagasan demi gagasan bermunculan dari kepalanya. Ia menulis untaian-untaian kecil ungkapan filosofis tentang hidup dibawah bayang-bayang kematian: "Terima apapun yang sanggup kaukerjakan dan apapun yang tak sanggup kaukerjakan"; "Terimalah masa lalu sebagai masa lalu, tak usah menyangkal atau menyingkirkannya";"Belajarlah memaafkan diri sendiri dan memaafkan orang lain"; "Tak ada istilah terlambat untuk mulai".

Apa yang terjadi padaku?
Tahun delapan puluhan telah berlalu. Tahun sembilan puluhan juga segera berlalu. Kematian, penyakit, kegemukan, dan kebotakan, semua terjadi begitu saja. Aku hanyut dalam peraihan begitu banyak mimpi, untuk mendapatkan uang lebih banyak dan sebanyak-banyaknya, dan aku bahkan tak pernah sadar bahwa aku menjalani hiduo demikian.
Ternyata sekarang Morrie bicara kepadaku tentang masa-masa indah selama aku kulihat, seolah-olah selama ini aku hanya pulang dari sebuah libur yang sangat panjang.
"Apa kau sudah menemukan orang tempat kauberbagi perasaan?" tanyanya.
"Apa kau menerima dirimu apa adanya?"
"Apa kau mencoba bersikap manusiawi sebisa-bisanya?"
Aku malu, ingin menunjukkan betapa aku pernah mendalami pertanyaan-pertanyaan semacam itu. Apa yang terjadi padaku?

Pada suatu petag, aku mengeluhkan kebingungan tentang diriku sendiri pada usiaku saat masih kuliah, apa yang diharapkan dari aku versus apa yang kuinginkan untuk diri sendiri.
"Pernahkah aku bercerita tentang ketegangan yang terjadi di antara dua pihak atau kutub yang berlawanan?" katanya.
The tension of opposites?
"Hidup merupakan rangkaian peristiwa menarik dan mengulur. Suatu saat kita ingin mengerjakan satu hal, padahal kita perlu mengerjakan sesuatu yang lain. Ada sesuatu yang membuat kita sakit, namun kita tahu bahwa seharusnya tidak demikian. Kita menerima hal-hal tertentu secara begitu saja, bahkan meskipun kita tahu bahwa seharusnya kita tidak pernah menikmati sesuatu secara cuma-cuma.
"Tension of opposites, mungkin seperti ketika kita menarik sebuah karet gelang. Dan kebanyakan kita berada di suatu tempat di tengahnya."
Seperti pertandingan gulat, kataku.
"Pertandingan gulat," sahut Morrie sambil tertawa. "Ya, kau dapat menggambarkan hidup dengan cara itu.
Lalu pihak mana yang menang, tanyaku.
"PIhak mana yang menang?"
Ia tersenyum kepadaku, menampakkan lipatan-lipatan pada kelopak matanya dan gigi depannya yang tidak rata.
"Cinta yang menang. Cinta selalu menang."

-Mitch Albom in Tuesdays With Morrie-

MyPreviousEntry: Wanted: Mitch albom's Tuesdays With Morrie

Official website: Tuesdays With Morrie

Aug 14, 2008

My Mom Is My Hero

First of all....there is no Mr. Octopus today. haohaohaooahuahuahuahaha. One of the Marketing staff, Ms. Niken has a job for me today to produce an employee bulletin. And it means I have to collect news and information about the hospital and the employees, make the layout in Publisher, and produce it! This is going to be my work of art. My first masterpiece or whatever.hhauhauhuahuahua.

Today I am going to the emergency room to ask several questions about what is the emergency room, who's in charge, and other informations. And I am find out that emergency room is a very cool unit. I mean, they have a hard task to diagnose what's wrong with the patient or in the other word, the life of the patient is in their hand in the first time the patient arrive to the hospital. Emergency room is the first gate for the patient if they are looking for help. I was there for one hour or more, asked them about the emergency room and the procedure, and of course they are very lovely. They show me around the emergency room, they show me the tools they usually use to save the patient, they show me the devibrator if I am not wrong -- you know -- a machine to shock the patient's heart with electricity or something (you can see it in Greys' Anatomy. They did it a lot in their scenes), they show me a small room for the small operation, and so on.

Then they told me that sometimes they meet people die in the emergency room. And it make me think about the death itself. I remember I imagine that in the bed in front of me that time, there was a man or a women with his/her half-past-dead life, fighting and struggling with their own body. And then I imagine that his/her family was there, well..the first purpose of course to accompany the patient. But all you can do is just crying or praying maybe, hoping for some miracle, waiting for the doctor and the nurses doing their job.
I just like telling myself that time that death is inevitable - impossible to avoid. Someday, we are going to meet death.

And this is my point of concern at that time:

When I was being a guestbook and angpao keeper in the wedding events, I can see that the grandmother or the grandfather of the bride and the groom was there, share some happiness and togetherness for their grandchildren. I was there and I realize that I will never have that chance, to see my grandmothers and my grandpas there watch me marry a man of my dream someday. They already died. And what I regret the most from it is I never have a chance, a really-really chance, to spend my time with them. Deep down in my heart right now, I miss them. I love them. And I really want to have a chance one more time to be in their side and being their grand daughter for the very last time. Maybe they can't hear me anymore, maybe they can't speak clearly anymore, maybe they can't walk -- I don't mind. I just want to be their grand daughter one more time. I just want to be there, sit near them, serve them, give my respect for them, and say I love you. But I know I will never have that chance again.
I know that the only way I could make it up is just by do the same thing I want to do to my mother. I've lost my father almost eight years ago and once again I rarely have a chance to have a father and daughter time.
My mother is the only one I have left. And I know, I really-really know that I shouldn't do the same mistake I did. She is my hero and she is my saviour. She teach me everything that I couldn't learn myself or I couldn't get in school. She teaches me, angry to me, loves me, cares for me, she saves me, she helps me, she punishes me, she is patient with me, she is fighting for me, she is sacrificing anything for me, she is there for me everytime I need her. She is all I have.

It is just not about my mother. I am speaking about the people we love. It is useless if you say that you love them after a person who suppose to hear that already dead. Or it is useless if you feel love them but they never have a chance to hear it from you. It is also useless to feel that you love them, but you never show it. That is why I never shy or I never feel embarrassed to say it out loud the 'I love you' or 'I do care for you' words. I will say thank you - I will say I love you with all my heart - You are precious for me -- and I am mean it. When I say I am wishing you the best, means I am wishing you the best. It means I pray for you, ask from God to bless and watching over you. I will hug them, I will lean my hand in their shoulder just so they know that I do mean with what I said.

Because our time on earth is priceless. We don't know when we die or when they people we love die. It could be now, it could be tomorrow, it could be years later. Only God knows. But the thing is, people do make mistake. They think they can say what they feel to one person and give testimonial about a person later, after that person died. The truth is a death person can't hear anything. So who you speak with?

No one.

Aug 12, 2008

Mr. Octopus

Meet Mr. Octopus!
I just met him this afternoon.

Then meet his family!!

This little happy family swam in a piece of blank white paper this afternoon, accompany me counting down the hours today. Unfortunately Mrs. Octopus can not come. Somehow, I forget to draw her. haha.

Actually, this is my little joke (which soon I realize that it isn't funny at all) and my little activity in the middle of my internship hours. AND I AM SOOO BORING. HUHUHUHUHUHUHU. And because I am so boring, I turn to draw something useless and something stupid like this Mr. Octopus! Oh God..Somebody help me. I mean, what am I suppose to write in my report paper? I am drawing octopuses and even name it??

This is my second internship day and I am soooo..soooo can't stand it. The people are good and nice. They love to say "morning" or " good afternoon" to me. They love to smile everytime they meet me and my coordinator Mr. Nyoman is a very nice man. I spend the first day walked around the hospital (the hospital is really cool, believe me) and he introduced me to everyone. From the HR, housekeeping, the engineer, the chef and cooks, cashier, operator, marketing, medical check-up, IT, bussiness development manager, and even the CEO! They all said welcome to me and I am glad about that. Very-- verry glad. But the only problem is Mr. N feel tired because his previous event (he is in sales and event btw, so he arranges event like seminar and other non-medic bussiness) so Mr. N want to relax for couple of days. And because he want to relax, he do not have any hard work to do. And because of he don't have any hard job to do, I don't have anything to do either! All I did yesterday was just browsed the internet and downloaded songs all day looong. And it's kind of boring somehow.

My second day isn't getting better than yesterday. Mr. N still want to relax and I am still boring. uhuhuhu.. The worst of all is I am lonely. I am just all by myself and no one I can talk to. I can talk with Mr. N but I can't talk to him all day. I am just all by myself everytime I go for lunch in the cafetaria. uhuhuhuhu...poor me. But thanks to Fritz, I think soon this loneliness can be a little crowded. mwuahahahuahauauha..=D

I don't know why, but everyone who know that I am going to walk on this internship in the hospital just seems so surprise. Ok, hospital is a little bit weird place to do the internship. But there is nothing wrong with that. My major reason of course this hospital near my house. So I do not need to wake up too early and waste my time. My second reason is this hospital is different. Like I said, this hospital is cool. There are hotel rooms, a convention hall, a helipad (there are only two helipad in Surabaya - RSHU and Jawa Pos), a meeting room, buffet menu (if you think that EVERY hospital serves bad food, you are wrong), and they have this great-great lobby. You will meet Alfamart (which is very important here for me to buy some snacks), they sell breads and cookies (yeah.. hospital kitchen homemade), and aMOre Gelato counter there. Whoa...=D

But the most important thing is, they - the people- are nice. I love that! They welcome me. And of course I believe they will welcome the patients even better!

The only problem here is just I have to deal with boringness and loneliness and Mr. Octopus. I don't know if tommorow Mr. Octopus want to meet me again, but I hope not. I really want to spend my time there with doing something useful.

Oh yeah.. if you ask why octopus? The answer is octopus is the only animal I can draw. I like their mouth. They funny isn't it? hoahoahoahohaoaahaha...=D

I start to miss Lili, Yuni, Vipe, Nita, Novi, Agre...Happy internship guys!!!uhuhuhuhuhu...

Aug 9, 2008

The After Party's Vodka

These last few weeks, Lili called me and asked me if there is a chance I want to be a part of the Even Organizer crew. Her cousin is the owner and they, the EO, needed someone who can look after the guest book and the angpao (you know, the red envelope with money inside as a gift for the bride and the groom). I said yes to her and yesterday is my fourth time being a guest book and angpao keeper. hahahaha.

Yesterday was a good date to held a wedding because of the 08.08.08 thing. So there I came to Palimanan CitraRaya and I really do like the concept of the wedding. All this time, everytime I attend a wedding party, I always feel boring. For me, it is look like they held a party for the parents. You know, with all the old chinese songs, and the old chinese traditions, and so on.

Most of the guests are invited by the parents from the bride and the groom. And from my experiences as a guest book keeper, sometimes the guests didn't know the name of the bride or the groom. They only knew the name of the father or the mother from the bride or the groom. Isn't that too....much? I mean.. it's more like the parents who do the wedding rather than their daughter or son.

But yesterday is different. The guests are young (as proof, I met Stanley, Boby, and Meli-Rendy) and they are friends from the bride and the groom! Of course there are friends from the parents but it felt sooo good to see that young guests finally lightin' up the party.

I also like the wedding concept. They held the wedding ceremony ( the say I do - I do part) in the golf range and the they held the party in the next golf range area. There are no old chinese songs, the shows were simple. After the wedding party, there was a after party. And after party mean trance musics, R&B songs, andddd vodkas.

Speaking of vodka, I would I like to speak about my experiences with alcohol. I never like alcohol. I never like beer, vodka, champange, gin, whatever you name it. My really first experience with alcohol started in Tus-tus' new house. Tus2 said to me and point his finger to the pink liquid in the table, " Try this, this is good." And when he said that this is good, I really really mean it good. So I picked up one full glass of that pink liquid without ask what is this thing. And then Ivan called. So I talked on the phone while I am drinking the pink thing. Not so long then, I felt my face become ...warm. And in the time I told Ipan, that was the time I knew I was drunk. Ok, I was drunk by accident.

Yesterday, is another weird and stupid experience with alcohol. After the official wedding party over, I sat tiredly and desperately in the VIP room with another crews. Outside, the DJ already played the trance musics sooo loud. And then come my "devil"(hoahoahoaha) came to me, offered me a full glass of coca-cola brown liquid in the table. It is a mix of vodka, rum, and coffee and the alcohol is very low, he said. I said no at first, then said OK I will have a little, and end up with drank 3/4 part of the glass. Thanks to Handi, you are soooo make me drunk this time. My face became red, my heart beated faster, I hardly walked,I can not be really-really sure where I was (well, then I realize I already at my room and reached home safely), and I think I heard some of people talked like I was still in the party.

Drunk is not good for me.

I really don't like alcohol. Alcohol is not good for your health as I read from the articles from HowStuffWorks and they taste weird. I don't understand why some people love the alcohol. Why they get to the bar and why they are looking for the alcohol. Why they are not looking for a chocolate milkshake maybe when the are thirsty or something. I mean, I don't get the reason they love alcohol. Instead of having a glass of vodka like yesterday, I would rather have a full glass of chocolate milkshake or milk tea. They do taste better. And definitely healthier.

Today I met my old friends from high school: Molen, David, Sion, Fenny, and Tonny. We had a good but short time together. =D Nice to meet you guys!


Aug 7, 2008

Celebrating The Freedom! Ooowww..yeaahh

First of all, it's good to know that my blog actually influence people, bring something new and something good for them, or at least they said something that make me smile like a silly person in front of my computer like..they like my blog, they told me to publish a book (once again), and even they said that they got gossips from here. hauahuahuahauuahauhaha. Well, thank you for that all even at the other point, some people may not like it as well. That's alright. They have a preference to say they like it or they are not like it.

I just finished my latest novel reading, To Kill a Mocking Bird ( took a long time for me to read it because of this K thing), and I am become a huge fan of Atticus, a father of this two little kids. He is an ordinary man, a lawyer in a small town called Maycomb, Alabama. From the outside, there is nothing special. But as I read that novel, I found out that he has an interesting character inside.

I learn about something from Atticus. I learn that anger emotion never solve a problem, it make it worse. So the best way to fight that anger emotion is just be in silence. In that book, there is a part of the story tell about a man who come to Atticus and just be emotional with him. This man blame Atticus for something and threat him with many bad things. But all Atticus does is just keep his mouth shut and after that man finish with his rubbish talk, Atticus just go away still with the silence. He doesn't put a prejudice on him. He is a calm person, a man who know everything but he never show it that he know everything.

We always learn something from something that happen in our life. That something could be form as troubles, obstacles, hard work, people, and even from a book. And maybe that problems, obstacles, and most important: people, are there for us to be faced because it will help us to be someone better.

Now I turn to my next novel: Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Actually this is not my novel. My friend's friend brought this to Indonesia from Aussie and guess what, it's english. So yes, it will take double extra time and extra energy to read it. hauahuhauhauahua.

Anyway, finally I can feel freedom after almost a week I have to torture myself for the kolokium stuff. Yeiiii!!!! There are no tons of books in my room for the moment (because I need to return it to the library.haha), no need to sit in front of the computer, no need to deal with the keyboard, the internet, and the books anymore. At least for this very moment. It be will continue next week. huhu. Pray for me everyone.


+ What's your favorite Disney Character?
- Winnie The Pooh

+ Why?
- Because Pooh bear is dumb animal. He is a dumb but kind-hearted animal. He is a humble animal (I almost say it person.hauhauhauhau) and he loves his friends!! I mean look at the cartoon...They love each other and treasure them so much. He can be dumb, but from that dumbness( a.k.a not using his brain but his heart), every words Pooh said is the most wisest words of all.

+ Who's your favorite person on earth?

- If I can say it initially: F, L, N, R, A, J, andddd H: for playing Joker perfectly.

+ Why Serendipity is our favorite film ever?

- Because that film makes me believe that if you think he/she is a person that really complete you, you will know it by your heart. A heart can not lie. It shows me that if you really-really love someone, you should fight for it. And most of all, that film telling me that even if you are separate thousand miles (America and Britain in the film), and even if you are with somebody else at that moment, if he/she is meant to be yours...he/she will be yours after all.

+ If you have the power to change your past, what it would be?

- There are a lot of things I want to be changed in my past, especially the bad things. But even if I have the ability to change that, I won't. Because if there is no bad times, bad experiences, bad things happen to me, I will never be a person I am right now.

Aug 4, 2008


Dear Eo yang ditujukan atas permintaan ybs.,


So anonymous sekalii.auhauhauhauhauhauau...(btw, I think I know how to make it not anonym anymore. You just klik the Name/URL instead of anonymous option beb.)

I am soo stress, and I even don't have lots of time to look at my own cellphone.
Geee...This kolokium thing is killing me.
But I can make it and do pass the kolokium. I have a lot of plans after this.
I want to learn marketing more, so there are two options for me now between take the master program or the brand and marketing communications certificate program at Marketing Petra. Well, I know by learning this whole Corporate Communication studies is not enough. I need to be a generalist and a specialist. I am specialist at how to handle relations between an organization and its publics (or at least I think I am.hahahaha) and I want to be generalist who know about the other sciences. And since I have desire to learn marketing, I want to learn marketing.
I am going to start my internship next week, and I am start to feeling scared because I am a type of person who can not stand behind the desk for hours. I guess my "freedom" will be taken soon. uuhuhuhu.
Wish me luck everyone!

I wish you all luck too, believe me.=D


(bagi yang tidak paham dengan masyud syaya yang syatyu ini, please baca comment nya eo tentang Seal and Heidi.)
Item-item gitu tapi dia so swiit.ahaahahak..
Sometimes cover is just a cover, hun. You don't read the cover, you read the book.
And I believe that's the most important thing of all.=)

Akhh..syok bijak syaya.hauhauhauhauhauhauhauahua.

Pai-pai all!!