One of my friend has this one prayer, to meet the one who destined to be her soulmate. She ask for it so bad, until she didn't realize that the way she asked for it was very.....kinda pity. I once experienced the same thing. I was single back then for 4 years and I have to admit that being single for that period of time is not comfortable. Somehow, no matter how strong you are as a person, you need someone to share something with, to share feeling with. I asked for a person who can understand me, someone I can be comfort and safe with. Unfortunately, that kind of person I was looked for is not easily found. I believe there are few people in this world who can fit our criteria, who has the spark as we have, who has the same amount and formula of "chemistry" as we have.
Of course, I prayed a lot...asked God to answer tons of my prayers. But He stood still and didn't answer. He let me be alone and met bunch of wrong people. I didn't know why He did this and why he didn't answer what I was asked for. Even if He had a reason not to answer my prayers, I didn't get it.
Four years went by and He made me coupled up with my present time boyfriend. It's funny how it happened because I never expected it all at the first place. But it happened anyway in His will. And that's how my four years "loneliness' ends.
As I take a look my life backward, I can see something that probably my friend I told earlier didn't realized yet. I think was ready to meet my "someone" back then. Four years I've been waiting and I think I was ready. Well maybe I was ready...but my "someone" wasn't. Maybe God already answered everytime I prayed, but I didn't even try to listen to it. Maybe God was trying to answered me, "You just need to wait for a while, because your someone didn't ready yet..I need to prepare him so he'll become the best he can be when he meet you."
If you believe there is a time for everything, there is a time for death and born...
why can't you just believe there is a time He willl become your Mighty matchmaker?