"sori ni..koq mirip banget ma foto yang ada d webnya RSHU ?..coba deh liat www.husadautamahospital.com
btw med knal.."
His name is Novralta B. Erlangga, a quite complicated name to spell, eh?
Anyway, from the way he asked me that question, it is pretty clear for me that he isn't believe that the photo in Husada Utama Official website is me. Well I tell you, the photo in that website is truly me. 100% me. It is me who posed like a doctor in that website. Not only in the website, my face is in everywhere. In posters for their Patient Safety Seminar and in their Nov-Dec edition Magazine. I posed as a nurse, as a patient, as a doctor. In that magazine and in that website, I can be anyone. And for the return, I've got a good score for my internship. Quite fair, rite? hahahaha. And oh I tell you, being a model, isn't really comfortable for me. I have to pose here pose there, pose for a couple seconds, pose with different pose for a couple seconds, and so on. I wasn't enjoy it. And I was sleepy at that time. Gee.. But still, having my internship at Husada Utama is really a great experience.
On the other side, yesterday is my first day I am going to the church after weeks since I have to struggling with K (I pass this stuffff!!!!!! hoahoahoahoahoahoahoa). So I went with Fenny and it was raining. It was raining and the flood is everywhere. I got stuck in the car and I can not go out from my car because of the flood for maybe 45 minutes. I blame the rain and the flood for the 45 minutes late. Reagan's car was in front of me at the time when we decided to leave the church and go eat somewhere (I still blame the rain and the flood for this). But a second before we decided to leave, I said to Fenny that maybe we need to listen to some praise and worship songs, hoping a miracle that soon we will get a dry parking space. So I turned my iPod and play Hillsong's With All I am song. It's a joke actually. But a miracle is really happened! I got this dry and new parking space!!! I called Reagan and tell him to park his car next to mine. But the adventure wasn't stop there. Me, Fenny, Reagan, and Eoh had to walk to the church under our own umbrella, try to avoid the rain and the flood. The result? Our shoes are completely wet. Our jeans completely wet, us...completely wet. The pastor who preached yesterday was Pastor Edward Supit. He is me and Jackson's favorite pastor. He preached well actually. But the rain and the flood and the 45 minutes-waiting-in-the-car stuff kind of distracted my concentration. The funny thing about yesterday is: me, Fenny, and Eo..we all in the same color of clothes..yellow.
taken by: Reagan W. Kusuma
At the end, it still good to see them all. :)
Another plan: Watch The Day When The Earth Stood Still with whoever, revise the K and then submit them this Friday, make appointment to hang out with Joel and friends, and go to Dewi's sister 17th Birthday Party this Saturday and find her a present.
hahahahahaha serasa jadi kembarannya Agnes Monica beneran nie kamu San..hehehehehehehehe...buset magang di sana langsung jadi artis
Nice step become a real actris hahahahahahahahahaha
*padahal magang cuman di RS ya*
hauhauhauhauhau..lumayan artis lokal. wkwkwkwkwkwk
ihiy ihiy ihiy...jadi artis rek sekarang....hahahahhahahaa....
to andrew and vipe: mau minta tanda tangan?? haohaohaohoahaohoahoahoahoahoaoahoa
loooooo sannnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!! kamu jadi model rs kok ga bilang aku toooooooo????????????? smp kuaget akuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! haohahaaohaohaohahahahaha........ behhhh..... susan jadi bu dokter d poto...... ihiiiiyyyyy....... cucok sama pak dokter....... mwahuahauahahahahauahhahaa....
ws2... ta diem ae drpd marigini dirajam susan... wkwkwkwkwkw...=b
btw, apik y poto kita koneng2... hoahahaha...
ayok2 pegi lagiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!
ya masak aku bilang bilang kalo jadi model rs??haohoahoahoahoahoa.
km mau minta tanda tanganku ta wes an? wkwkwkwkwk
btw, aku wes ngajak regen pegyi pegyi tapi kayaknya dia lagi refot ngurusi sidang TA'e. ahakahakahak
sooonnn my dear...sooonn kita akan pergi pergi lagi..!!!! :P
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