Dec 25, 2008



Wishing you a great moment with your beloved family, friends, and relatives perhaps. :)

Speaking of a word surrender, I remember something Pastor Edwad Supit told us when were at the church last two weeks. He said that (ok, I was distracted by the rain at that time so I don't remember much) sometimes people too much holding the plan, their own plan, so they actually don't know what God's plan for them. They want all the things happens along with their plan without considering maybe the Lord has another plan.

Above all the things in this life, I believe that God or me personally call Him -Lord is the only one who has the power of everything. I believe that something and every little things that happen in this life is allowed by Him. If something or everything not happen in this life, it is also not allowed by Him. He is the power owner, He has control in everything even for the little thing like today is is going to raining or not. But the funny thing is even I know those fact, I can't easily surrender to Him. Most of the time, if I want something to be happened, I keep praying and saying words - asking my plan to be accomplished. I keep asking until I realize that I am tired of it. I am tired of asking. And finally I realize, I am tired controlling my own life and my own agenda. The book I once read, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren told me that surrender is a hard work. The first time I read those, I said how hard it is? But now I finally realize that yes, surrender is really a hard work. It is not easy to release all your wishes and plans and instead of that you surrender to the Lord who owns my life. But I keep learning to trust Him like this verse in the Bible: (I don't dare to translate it in english so I will write it originally, in Indonesian I mean):

'Percayalah kepada Tuhan dengan segenap hatimu jangan bersandar kepada pengertianmu sendiri. Akuilah Ia dalam segala lakumu, maka Ia akan meluruskan jalanmu.'

That is the verse a pastor from Malaysia once said last sunday. In his preach he said one important thing of all things you need to believe in God is about your soulmate. Well actually he said pasangan hidup but I don't find a proper and fit word to say it. hahaha.

At the very conclusion, the pastor asked us to believe that He will meet you with your soulmate at His right time and His right place. All you have to do is just believe. And to believe, you have to surrender first. And if until today if I am not find my soulmate yet, all I need to have is faith. I believe I have my own soulmate, the one who fits my key, the one who fits my lock. And if the day is come, ......I'm going to tell ya. haohaohaohoahaohoa.=P It is not easy to see that your friends have their couple and you are not. The only problem is I haven't find the best yet. But I keep telling myself that my time will come someday.

I remember I prayed to God once. I said I believe that to find a good man is rare (please do not use your own definition of good here). But please let me have one. I hope it will be come true. :)

And you know what, sometimes when I feel so tired to carry on the problems I have, the best place to cry is in silent, right to Him. That's because He is the one who care a lot. :)

Have a GREAT holiday everyone!!!

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