Oct 19, 2008

Die Kolokium Die!!

Happy sunday all. I hope that this day is just going well, not like mine, which mine is a disaster weekend because I have to submit again my proposal for my K class. And this time, the second periode give us a little time, so little time to prepare and submit the proposal. I have to change my topic and so on, and I am stuck in the middl because I don't how exactly I can get an idea for my K topic only in 3 days. I's so dead this time. So this sunday, when I suppose to go to the church and have fun, have a day off - I end up sit in front my computer doing nothing but chat, friendstering, and goggling. Well, I try to work on it, but it is look like my brain don't want to cooperate or something plus my whole body is in pain, and I am tired, exausted,and I can't do something about it all. Yesterday, I have to be a bride LO again for Jubilee with Lili and I work from morning until almost 12 midnight. So my legs are hurt, my back is in pain, and my brain is demonstrating me. I feel dead today. And I think I force myself too much.
This whole K thing is almost kill me. One day, I feel tired enough and I feel like I want to give up. I start to say what if I give up and I don't want to continue this damn whole thing anymore? But the I come to a thought which said that what will you do if you stop? And my other thought said..well, get married. hahaooaoahoa.
But then I decide not to give up. All I need is a time out. But my dearest lectures have a problem with that request, I guess.
I see a quite interesting thing from me and my friends who fight with me in K class. We are in the same class, we fight the thing, and we struggle together. We have different topics, but here what catch my attention. We are in the same concentration: Corporate Communication, but each of us have our own interest. I have my interest in marketing communication and corporate communication. No matter how hard I try, I have no heart in Organizational Communication or Cultural Communication. But Vipe has her intereat in cultural communication and Nita has her interst in Organizational. Lili loves Media Relations, and Yuni loves Crisis Communication. We are all have our own interest and maybe specialty. So do human. Every of us has our own talent. And that's perhaps, which make each of us rare and special.
Ah..ebough talking, back to work.
I really-really need a time out right now. Gee..

1 comment:

the Rabbit said...

keren gitu..
bisa beda2..