Being in the hospital area for a period of time, make whoever around there have to sosialize themselves to interact with doctors. And for me is no exception. Being in the hospital everyday in almost two months now, make me have a lot of friends. Doctor kind of friends.
I introduce you dr. Koemalawati, she is a neurology specialize doctor and dr. Sawitri, she is eyes specialize doctor. This two doctors plus Bu Sari, doctors' administration officer and me, is a new group in the building. Sometimes the other doctors join us, and it makes me know the other doctors. I like to know them, meet them, hang out with them, and I am quite feel surprise to realize that they are doctors. I mean.. this whole time, all I know from a doctor is they wears a white atribute, looks cool and smart, detect our disease, and cure it, then bai-bai and thank you. No emotional attach.
But here, I know the different side of doctors life. In fact, they are human too, they sosialize with others, joke, tell stories, and they even good know, pairing other people. So everytime they try to pairing me with this one doctor, all I can do is smile. If they're salesmen or saleswomen, not doctors, I believe they are going to be great salesmen and women. haohaohaooaa.
Today, I have this interesting thing happen. Dr. Koemala, surprisingly has this talent to read lines in palm hand. This is what she said in the time she read my hand:
My career is so-so. She even said that I am probably going to be housewife or something. But my husband is the one whohas a great career and else.
I will have a long life (oh..thank God if this happen.)
I will get married not in the long time again, she mean not in the age 30 and so on. (ohoho)
I will have a husband who has the same thought and the same heart and vision with me. (when she said this, I said "well, every couple must have a different thought." . then she said no, not always. "
I am not easily fall in love with someone. (amazingly, this is true. I just nod my head when she said this.)
In my future life, I will meet my husband once and for all. She mean like I will meet this right guy at one moment of time and - hopefully - have my happily ever after.
I know at least in my religion, I forbid to believe in any kind of prediction or whatever you may call it but in God. And I believe in God. But it still will look amazing if those prediction complete what God had planned for me (which only He the one who know until it happen in my life)
Still I remember something happened almost a year ago, when an American pastor prayed for me and said so many things about me, which is exactly me. He said that writing is truly my talent, so use it well. He said that I am a visionary person, I always look far more in the future everytime I plan something (which make me always have backup plans), and so many things else. This pastor never met me before, never knew me before, but he knew so many things about me. If it's not God, then he must be a great great liar. Well.. I believe that is a God's work through him though.
So I just going to let it all flow. What other option I have, huh? But there is something I think along with this palm hand reading session with my doctor friends. Fate will bring all of us to our destiny. To our soulmate. But what if in the real world, someone you always love isn't always be your soulmate? How you going to throw away that feeling -love- while you are destined to be together with your soulmate?
my K thing is near. >.<
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