Jul 23, 2008


I recently read a novel called To Kill A Mocking Bird, written by Harper Lee (she is a she, btw). It is a novel about love and prejudice. The story is about a small town lawyer in Alabama and his ordinary life with his two children, Jem and Scout ( she is a she,too). And one day, everything turn to be different when this two children's father have to defend a black skinned guy or they call it nigger in the other way. At that period of time, there are a gap between black skinned people and white skinned people. Black skinned people are under white skinned people in the hierarchy in their system. For this white skinned people, black people are only for servant. Not more.
One day, a black skinned guy was accused for a rape case. He was accused to rape a white skinned women. And Atticus, the father of this two children step up as this black skinned guy's lawyer.
Atticus believe that not every black skinned people are bad. Eventhough there are a lot of bad - immorale black skinned people, but not every of them are bad, not every of them are immorale.

Prejudice is something that Harper Lee want to speak up through this her one and only novel. People sometimes just judge other people base on what they know, what they hear, what they see. But the truth is, not everything they see, not everything they hear, not everything the know is the whole truth about something. Harper Lee said in her book:

"You will never understand someone until you look in everything through his/her point of view....until you slip under his/her skin and live a life with his/her own way."

I learn a lot since I read that book. I learn and also discover that sometimes our prejudice about something blind our eyes from the truth. We busy judging other people while we don't really know what really happen to that person.
I admit that sometimes I did that too. I did prejudiced some people in my life but I didn't know what really happen to that person, what is in his thought, what he feel. I just put him/her in a wrong and guilty position because they hurt me.
But thanks to this book, now I learn to not judge someone by looking from my point only. But I also need to see from their eyes, from the way they see from their eyes, from the way they think, from they way their ears hear something.

Or maybe, I don't need to judge anyone.

I really really know how it feel when people judge you just by seeing at one point and forget to see the other point. It is hurt. The funny thing is they don't realize it.

Anyway, now I am trying to not put a prejudice on people. Even what they do later is something that really really wrong, I realize that I am not the one who have the right to judge people.
There is a better judge who know everything without any error. You know who!

Have a blessed day everyone! As usual. =D

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