Gw baru aja fulang dari nonton The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian. And the film is soooooooo great. Awesome. huhuhu..pengen nangis saking bagusnya tuh film. Benernya film nya bagus-bagus standar. Ya kayak film perang and adventure plus fantasinya gitu. Tapi yang membuat semuanya jadi top adalah si Aslan, si singa keren itu. Dan sejak Aslan dalam film The Chronicles of Narnia adalah representatif figur Jesus dalam dunia fantasi, itu yang membuat gw hampir teriak pas si Aslan muncul pada saat keadaan lagi genting-gentingnya. Gw hampir pengen kayak Lucy yang langsung meluk Aslan.hauhauhauhauahuahua
Gw tau mungkin itu rada berlebihan. Tapi sepanjang film tadi, setiap scene yang ada bener-bener ngingetin gw ama dunia Kristen dan kisah-kisah didalamnya. Kayak Lucy, pas dia ngerasa dia ngeliat Aslan waktu mereka stuck di satu jurang. Lucy ngerasa dia melihat Aslan padahal yang lainnya enggak. Sepanjang film, selalu Lucy yang selalu pengen ketemu Aslan, selalu pengen ketemu lagi sama Aslan. Lucy has faith in Aslan, which is also refers to Jesus. Begitu juga pas Lucy udah ketemu sama Aslan. waktu Lucy tanya kenapa Aslan nggak muncul-muncul, Aslan malah bilang kenapa Lucy sempet berhenti nyari dia..which is refers, for me, to why sometimes at some point we stop looking for God..for Jesus in the time we need help.
Honestly, I never have such a real figure to picture Jesus. I mean, Jesus is invicible. we can't see Him. Still I believe in Him even He is invicible. But through this film I become more completely see, more completely believe a better real figure of Jesus. Through Aslan character, His wise, compassionate, magical authority, mysterious and beloved guide to the human children who visit; guardian and saviour of Narnia; and ultimately revealed as its creator and destroyer.
Oh God...beberapa entry blog gw kayaknya lagi penuh ama nuansa religius. But I don't care lah. I am enjoying this moments, the moments I getting close to God.
I found only peace there. Nothing else.
The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian OST: The Call by Regina Spektor
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never give up to find HIM!!!
LHOOO!!!! kok??di indo dah kuar yaa??NOooooo..disini masih coming soon >.<
sial deh..hhuhuuhu...
btw..OOT nih..saya nonton concert nya buble lho...muaahahhahaa.. :P
to andrew.(yang ngaku sok keren): kafok.hauhauahuhauahuahuahauhuahauhauahuahuahuahau..LOL.LOL.LOL.KDL.
OTT apaan?? ga peduli buble. saya lebih peduli david cook.weeekk
koq iso ndrew?? tumben2 indo kuar disek?? hahaha...nonton'o..uapik!!!
wew....sial deh..yah david cook ndak ada konser di aussie sih..lagian dia belon lulus dari american idol kan?hahahaha
OOT=out of topic.
sial kok ndak iri seh..iri'o po'o..ah ga asik ini.. -.-"
ini orang kok maksa orang iri to. ndak baik dru iri itu. mau jadi apa dunia kalo semua orang di dunia ini disuruh iri. ckckckckck. and you suppose to comment my entry, not trying to make me iri-iri an
btw dru, since you seems busy, aku titip pesen di sini ae yah.hauhauhahauhau
titip DVD kalo kamu nganggur. grey's e belum tamat ternyata season 4'e.huhuhuuhu.
P.S MAY 20,2008
iri opo ndrew?? swt orang disuruh belajar iri..hahaha...
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