Aug 24, 2010

500 Days Of Summer

Have you watched this movie?You have to watch it, especially for girls! This is a sweet, touching, yet it is light movie :)

When I watched this movie for the first time, I felt light. This movie is almost like a fairytale about reality. This is a story that could happen to all of us. You met a person, you fell for them, but it didn't worked out well. You have tried again, but it failed anyway. After your heart-broken period is over, suddenly you're bump into someone that you know, s/he is the one (again).

Personally I love the main actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt (love love him so much), he has this charisma thing with him so everytime I see his smile in the movie, I just melt away :p

But I love Zooey Dechanel too. She is super sweet, weird (in the movie),and so vintage! OMG, her outfits on that movie is so 80's but she fits it!

In the movie, Summer chose the other man to be married with, instead with Tom. When Tom asked why, Summer said that she finally knew about her husband what she never was sure about Tom. That leads me to a question, WHAT IS IT? What made you said that "you sure about your husband, but not with Tom"? Tom is sweet, he is kind, he is sweet and kind and everything!

So if Tom claimed that he already found the one on Summer, but Summer didn't felt the same way, meaning they're not the one for each other?

If it's a yes, then it's clear that someday soon we'll find the other right person, just like Tom found Autumn, right? :)

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