Oh tidaaakk.. Gw seharusnya masih harus in-progress ngebuat proposal and the blah tapi malah nyasar kesini, once again. haha
Hari sabtu kemarin, gw ketemu ama Devi, teman SD saya, yang juga teman SMP-SMA saya, dan juga temannya Fenny di Teknik Industri. Kesimpulannya, Devi adalah teman semua orang.fufufufu. Pertama kita ngobrolin gosip. Sapa gimana sama siapa, apa gimana sama apa, dan sebagainya. Terus kita ngobrolin semester depan kita mau ngapain. Biasa, karena kita ini udah mahasiswa tingkat lumayan atas, jadi omongannya ya seputar rencana magang ma skripsi. Intinya, kita semua sudah mulai panik gimana caranya bisa lulus tapi tidak dengan jalan sulit dan tidak dipersulit. Devi sama anak-anak TI lainnya berencana buat lulus dalam 3.5 tahun. Gw juga gitu, cuman gara-gara si Nita yang melakukan kesalahan bodoh nomer wahid sejagad raya, gw jadi nggak bisa 3.5 tahun. Terima kasih banyak ya teman. Tapi waktu itu gw langsung mikir, Devi sama yang lainnya terus gw juga awalnya punya rencana lulus 3.5 tahun gitu, emang kita mau ngapain habis lulus? Lain mungkin ceritanya ama Vipe. Dia udah tau kemana dia ingin pergi, apa yang ingin dia lakukan setelah lulus. She has something worth to do in her future life. Habis gw tanya gitu, si Devi jadi bingung sendiri juga.
Dari situ gw jadi banyak mikir. Hidup ini penuh sama yang namanya perubahan. Dulu pas lulus SD, kita jadi semangat masuk SMP. Keliatannya kayak udah gede gitu. Perubahan itu menyenangkan kita. Pas lulus SMP dan lanjut ke SMA, kita jadi semakin excited. Kita udah dewasa. Perubahan itu juga masih nyenengin kita. Pas lulus SMA dan lanjut ke uni, kita masih yakin jalan yang kita ambil. Meskipun kita mulai udah dibingungin jurusan mana atau uni yang mana yang mau dipilih. But it still not a big one. Tapi kalau udah ngejalanin uni dan udah mulai udah diujung tanduk begini, kita..paling nggak gw, jadi mikir. Gw mau ngapain, atau gw mau kemana habis dari uni. Dulu dari TK sampai SMA, udah jelas step yang bakal kita ambil, tinggal tentuin aja mau sekolah dimana atau jurusan apa. Habis dari uni, pilihan jalan yang kita pilih lebarnya udah kayak jalan tol. And we must carefully pick the path we choose. Mungkin itu gunanya impian, cita-cita. Mungkin setelah kita lulus dari uni, itu adalah saat yang tepat buat kita buat sepenuhnya merealisasikan impian kita. Masalahnya cuman satu, kita punya nggak impian itu. Atau kita cuman ngikutin kemana arah air mengalir dan nggak berusaha untuk melawan demi mencapai apa yang kita inginkan. Mungkin itu bedanya antara the purpose driven life dengan no purpose driven life. Of course, the choice is in our own hand.
Dari situ juga gw jadi sadar, perubahan itu selalu terjadi. Bahkan, menurut buku yang dikasih sama seseorang ke saya, life is a change itself. Hidup itu berarti perubahan. Sayangnya, kadang kita belum siap untuk berubah atau menghadapi perubahan. Begitu juga gw. There is one thing, which is really make me not ready yet to take a step. to face the changes. too much considerations, too many people to consider. For this moment, I am afraid of many things from that one thing, but mostly I am afraid of changes itself. But I know someday I run out the time and sooner or later, I have to be ready. Or choose.
Dan karena isi buku tentang "Change" itu dikit banget kata-katanya (with all due respect, I love that book dru.huahau), I will write it down here, and I hope this words will bring something good about life-changes for you.
CHANGE by Susan Squellat Florence
Our lives don't always turn out the way we planned. In fact, they almost never do. In work, our relationship, and expectations of how things "should " be..there are changes.
We are afraid of change, but it happens anyway. we don't seek out times of changes but they happen anyway. we want to see, know, and understand what is happening to us. We think we can control our lives. But ultimately, we can't.
When we can accept that life is full of changes and the unknowing times they bring, we move beyond our fear. We will be able to begin new journeys of hope and openness to what life brings.
We grow with change. Times of change help us discver within ourselves a profound strength. we challange ourselves to become deeper as we learn to live with uncertainty. We become more whole.
Times of change shift our life focus. We will begin to see things as they really are. By being open to new possibilities, we will see more than we ever saw before. We will see too, what is the most important to us and what brings meaning to our lives:
Changes is a place of seeing beyond the life you planned into new possibilities of what life can be.
Change is a way of growing beyond the person you thought you were into the deeper, stronger person you will become.
Change is a time of learning the safe place where "you know" and entering the strange place where "you don't know".
Do not be afraid of change.
Remember the most beautiful times of day are times of change.
With change come the seeds of new life.
The dry desert landscpae can burst into bloom after the thunderstorm.
The dark forest destroyed by summer fires, will grow again. New trees and wildflowers will flourish in sunlight that was never there before.
Like the seasons, our lives are always turning.
If life's own mysterious timing can bring a rose to the fulfillness of beauty from the bare winter stem..think what it can do with your life.
You will believe in your own new beginning.
You will understand that life is not only full of change, life is a change.
hahahaha..see..see...that book is good,right?? :D :D :D
-.-" ndak usah pake keren segala dru.hauhauhau
huahauhaua...yah gimana lagi..ini lagi masa2 suntuk stres pusing capek udah semua deh..sydrome2 akhir semester....HOAAAAAAAAA......
-.-" -.-" km ini memang dewa internet...isa langsung dibales.ckckck..nakutin.hauhauhauha
NDAK USAH PAKE KEREEEEENNN.Aaaaaaaaaaaaa......!!!!
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