Mar 15, 2008

Me Saying Thank You

Special thanks for Jiewa.....for the appreciation and everyhing. Thanks for spend some of your time read my blogs, give comments....You don't know how much I appreciate it!hahahahha
Memang, aku sengaja buat semua entries yang aku tulis nggak berat buat dibaca. Karena gw tau kalo gw lagi mau omongin masalah ato topik yang berat dan gw bawain itu dengan bahasa yang berat pula, ntar bisa-bisa yang baca blog gw bisa ketiduran di depan komputer.ahakahak
Anyway,Thank you..thank nggak tomboy kok.
But I will do whatever the tomboy do, if I have to do it. =)
And I will....I will be your guest blogger. hehehe
Thank you to Nyek too, I know you always read my entries too, I appreciate it much.Tapi ndak usah kasih komen aneh2 km.hahahahahahaha
Thank you to everyone too, who read my blog. I dooo thank you. That is what a writer need the most.=)
*Kalian mestinya bangga, aku udah buat satu entry sendiri khusus buat say thank you.hauhahauhauahuahuahuahua. Keep on reading!*


Anonymous said...

Waduh, spesial pake gelato nih (udah ga jaman pake telor!) sampe dibikin posting khusus. Baru kali ini ada yg balas komen sampe begini. Terharuw.. T______T *air mata buaya*
Ayo rajin nulis jeung, jgn spt aku.. mood2an banged =P

Oya, saran aja nih. Kalo di sidebar blog ini ditambahin blok recent comment & recent post pasti jadi OK ^^

Anonymous said...

blom ngasik comment wes divonis...huhuhu...T.T

Susan said...

to nyek,

Anonymous said...

enak ya mek ngguyu2 tok...bok vonis aku truz po'o..huhuhu...

Susan said...

yay!!!akhir'e km isa munculin namamu nyek ditempat yang seharusnya. selamaaaatt..selamaaattt...hauhauhauhau